PDF Transnational Commercial Law: International Instruments And Commentary
Beschreibung Transnational Commercial Law: International Instruments And Commentary
This volume contains a collection of all the major transnational commercial law instruments relating to commercial contracts, interspersed with explanatory linking text which identifies key issues covered by the instruments. The explanatory material, together with a detailed index, and internal tables of contents for each instrument, makes this an invaluable source book for the practitioner.
Transnational Commercial Law: International Instruments And Commentary Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Wildy & Sons Ltd — The World’s Legal Bookshop Search ~ Buy Transnational Commercial Law: International Instruments and Commentary 2nd ed, by Roy Goode, Herbert Kronke, Ewan McKendrick, Jeffrey Wool, ISBN 9780199582860, published by Oxford University Press from www.wildy, the World's Legal Bookshop. Shipping in the UK is free. Competitive shipping rates world-wide.
Transnational Commercial Law eBook by Roy Goode ~ Transnational commercial law represents the outcome of work undertaken to harmonize national laws affecting domestic and cross-border transactions and is upheld by a diverse spectrum of instruments. Now in its second edition, this authoritative work brings together the major instruments in this field, dividing them into thirteen groups: Treaty Law, Contracts, Electronic Commerce, International .
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Wildy & Sons Ltd — The World’s Legal Bookshop Search ~ For over 40 years Professor Sir Roy Goode QC has been involved in the preparation of international instruments, working with the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law, the Hague Conference of Private International Law and the International Chamber of Commerce. The essays selected for this volume, written over the course of Sir Roy's career, offer a unique insight into the .
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