Buch The Legal Foundations of INTERPOL
Beschreibung The Legal Foundations of INTERPOL
Since the publication of the extremely well regarded first edition of this title, the legal regime which forms the basis for INTERPOL has undergone significant change. In addition, there has been an explosive growth of litigation before the Commission for Control of INTERPOL's Files. Moreover, as INTERPOL continues to increase its effectiveness, instances of abuse and also lack of understanding about INTERPOL has prompted both criticism and calls for reform. This timely new edition provides a complete update of the rules regulating INTERPOL and of the 'case law' of the Commission for Control of INTERPOL's Files. In addition, it provides additional examination of: - the procedure for handling claims against INTERPOL; - the remedies available in the case of complaints; - the interpretation of the various rules affecting individuals; and - the differing roles of the General Secretariat and the Commission in dealing with inquiries and/or complaints by individuals.Retaining the clarity of expression and expert analysis that were hallmarks of the first edition, this book is required reading for practitioners and scholars alike.
The Legal Foundations of INTERPOL ebooks
eBook: Legal Foundations of INTERPOL von Martha Rutsel ~ Legal Foundations of INTERPOL von Martha Rutsel Silvestre J Martha (ISBN 978-1-84731-583-0) online kaufen / Sofort-Download - lehmanns
The Legal Foundations of INTERPOL: : Rutsel ~ The Legal Foundations of INTERPOL / Rutsel Silvestre J Martha / ISBN: 9781849468046 / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Martha / Grafton / The Legal Foundations of INTERPOL / 2 ~ Martha / Grafton , The Legal Foundations of INTERPOL, Second Edition, 2020, Buch, 978-1-84946-804-6. BĂĽcher schnell und portofrei
[PDF] The Legal Foundations Of INTERPOL - Free Ebook ~ The Legal Foundations of INTERPOL LAW EBOOKS At the same time, the book sets out the legal foundations for extra-judicial international police enforcement cooperation and explains the creation, structure, and operation of INTERPOL, the organization that promotes that cooperation.
The Legal Foundations of INTERPOL: Rutsel Silvestre J ~ About The Legal Foundations of INTERPOL. Since the publication of the extremely well regarded first edition of this title, the legal regime which forms the basis for INTERPOL has undergone significant change. In addition, there has been an explosive growth of litigation before the Commission for Control of INTERPOL's Files. Moreover, as .
The legal foundations of INTERPOL [WorldCat Entities] ~ The legal foundations of INTERPOL This book is a study of the legal aspects of the birth and development of an international organisation, using the example of INTERPOL as a detailed case study. It is not a constitutional manual for INTERPOL, but an organisational study, and does not seek to be exhaustive in terms of its description of INTERPOL's operations. Its main focus is the examination .
The Legal Foundations of INTERPOL / LAW EBOOKS ~ At the same time, the book sets out the legal foundations for extra-judicial international police enforcement cooperation and explains the creation, structure, and operation of INTERPOL, the organization that promotes that cooperation. For practitioners who, for whatever reason, have to deal with INTERPOL, the book provides a much-needed explanation of the legal foundations of the organization .
: The Legal Foundations of INTERPOL ~ Clearly this book is unique in that it is clearly the first to deal comprehensively with the legal foundations of INTERPOL. The book mixes the discussion of international law theory with jurisprudence as to the cases involving INTERPOL. The thorough research and discussions make the book useful not only to attorneys, judges, government laws, but also criminal justice organization scholars .
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INTERPOL Foundation for a Safer World ~ Legal and leadership. The INTERPOL Foundation for a Safer World is a not-for-profit organization headquartered in Geneva. H.E. Elias Murr, former Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior and Minister of Defence of Lebanon, is the President of the Board of Trustees, and HSH Albert II, Sovereign Prince of Monaco, is the President of the Honorary Board. The Foundation was established in .
Our Funding - Interpol ~ Each of our member countries pays a statutory contribution to INTERPOL each year; it is an obligatory payment. The amount paid by each country is agreed by the General Assembly each year, according to an adapted scale of United Nations contributions, essentially based on economic weight. In 2019, statutory contributions totaled 59 million euros. Statutory contributions generally fund the .
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The Legal Foundations of INTERPOL by Rutsel Silvestre J ~ The Legal Foundations of INTERPOL by Rutsel Silvestre J Martha (2010-05-12) / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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