Pdf lesen Corporation Law and Economics (University Textbook Series)
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Corporation Law and Economics: Bainbridge, Stephen M ~ Law students taking the basic course in corporations or business associations are the target audience for this text, although the author hopes the analysis will also prove useful to lawyers and judges seeking a fresh perspective on corporate law problems. For many law students, the prospect of studying corporate law is a daunting one. They may lack training in economics, business and .
Corporation Law and Economics - Stephen M. Bainbridge ~ Corporations classes present students with two related problems: First, many students have trouble understanding the cases studied because they do not understand the transactions giving rise to those cases. Second, Corporations classes at many law schools are taught from a law and economics perspective, which many students find unfamiliar and/or daunting.
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Law and Economics - Econlib ~ “ Law and economics,” also known as the economic analysis of law, differs from other forms of legal analysis in two main ways. First, the theoretical analysis focuses on efficiency. In simple terms, a legal situation is said to be efficient if a right is given to the party who would be willing to pay […]
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