Buch lesen Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition (Oxford Islamic Legal Studies)
Beschreibung Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition (Oxford Islamic Legal Studies)
How do modern Muslims' attitudes to marital violence and patriarchy relate to the Islamic tradition?In recent years, discussion regarding the interpretation of the Qur'an has become highly controversial. Especially contentious is passage 4:34, which covers the legitimacy of marital violence and the subjugation of women within Islam. Scholarly opinion on the topic is heavily influenced by contemporary context, so the issue remains largely unsettled. While pre-colonial Islamic jurists permitted the use of violence against women, they still held ethical concerns about the disciplinary privileges of husbands. Consequently, the debate for these early scholars was focussed on the level of violence permitted, and how to apply the three disciplinary steps: admonishment, abandonment, and physical abuse.Ayesha Chaudhry argues that all living religious traditions are rooted in a patriarchal, social, and historical context, and they need ways to reconcile gender egalitarian values with religious tradition. Post-colonial, modern Islamic scholars that consult the Qu'ran for gender-egalitarian interpretations must confront a difficult and unique debate: equality vs authority. As in many religions, authority is derived from tradition, rebelling from which results in a loss of authority in the eyes of the community.Chaudhry reveals that Muslims do not speak with one voice about Islam. Instead, Muslim scholarly discourse is spirited and diverse. The voices of contemporary Muslim scholars enrich the scope of the 'Islamic tradition'.Many recent works on Islam strive to promote a 'public relations' image of Islam. This book deals with ethical problems of domestic violence as discussed in historic and contemporary Islamic religious doctrine. The stakes are high, and very real. The author confronts the significant issue of how modern Muslims can relate to Islamic tradition and the Qur'anic text.
Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition (Oxford Islamic Legal Studies) Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Domestic Violence And The Islamic Tradition Oxford Islamic ~ domestic violence and the islamic tradition oxford islamic legal studies Sep 19, 2020 Posted By Eiji Yoshikawa Public Library TEXT ID c72d61e0 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library relate to the islamic tradition in recent years discussion regarding the interpretation of the quran has become highly controversial especially contentious is passage 434
Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition Oxford Islamic ~ Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition (Oxford Islamic Legal Studies) by Ayesha S. Chaudhry (2013-12-19) / Ayesha S. Chaudhry / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition - Hardcover ~ Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition Ayesha S. Chaudhry Oxford Islamic Legal Studies. A multidisciplinary work that touches on law, religion, politics, and gender studies to explore the issue of domestic violence in Islam; Explains the struggle to accommodate patriarchal religious traditions within a contemporary egalitarian framework ; Shows how the same scriptural text can be used to .
Domestic Violence And The Islamic Tradition Oxford Islamic ~ Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition Ayesha S. Chaudhry Oxford Islamic Legal Studies. A multidisciplinary work that touches on law, religion, politics, and gender studies to explore the issue of domestic violence in Islam ; Explains the struggle to accommodate patriarchal religious traditions within a
Domestic Violence And The Islamic Tradition Oxford Islamic ~ domestic violence and the islamic tradition oxford islamic legal studies Sep 19, 2020 Posted By Edgar Rice Burroughs Media TEXT ID c72d61e0 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at your fingertips domestic violence and the islamic tradition ethics law and the muslim discourse on
Domestic Violence And The Islamic Tradition Oxford Islamic ~ domestic violence and the islamic tradition oxford islamic legal studies Sep 19, 2020 Posted By Dean Koontz Ltd TEXT ID c72d61e0 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at your fingertips domestic violence and the islamic tradition ethics law and the muslim discourse on
Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition Oxford Islamic ~ Home » Uncategories » Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition Oxford Islamic Legal Studies Online PDF eBook. Saturday, August 20, 2016 . Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition Oxford Islamic Legal Studies Online PDF eBook Uploaded By: Ayesha S Chaudhry DOWNLOAD Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition Oxford Islamic Legal Studies PDF Online .
Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition ~ In Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition: Ethics, Law, and the Muslim Discourse on Gender (Oxford University Press, 2013) Chaudhry offers a historical genealogy of pre-colonial and post-colonial interpretations of this verse and their implications. Through her presentation she offers portraits of the "Islamic Tradition" and how these visions of authority shape participants' readings of .
Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition Oxford Islamic ~ DOWNLOAD Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition Oxford Islamic Legal Studies PDF Online. Domestic violence Wikipedia However, domestic violence is a regular occurrence experienced by up to one half of people in the United States, and an overwhelming number of victims are female. The sheer number of domestic violence victims in the United States suggests that domestic violence is not .
Oxford Islamic Legal Studies - Oxford University Press ~ Satisfying the growing interest in Islam and Islamic law, the Oxford Islamic Legal Studies series speaks to both specialists and those interested in the study of a legal tradition that shapes lives and societies across the globe. Islamic law operates at several levels. It shapes private decision making, binds communities, and it is also imposed by states as domestic positive law.
Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition (Oxford ~ Overall, an indispensable read for understanding domestic violence in the Islamic tradition. Small quibble : The author states according to al-Kasani, one of the options available to a husband (when he has abandoned his wife for "nushooz", as per 4:34) is to force himself on his wife without her permission, whenever he so desires (so he himself doesn't suffer on account of the wife's nushooz) .
Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition: A Book Review ~ Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition: A Book Review Mariam Noor* Introduction Ayesha S. Chaudhry is a professor of Islamic Studies and Gender Studies at the University of British Columbia. She completed her Ph.D. in Middle East and Islamic studies from New York University, and holds a Masters degree in Near Eastern Civilizations and Women’s Studies from the University of Toronto.1 Her .
Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition - Paperback ~ Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition Ayesha S. Chaudhry Oxford Islamic Legal Studies. A multidisciplinary work that touches on law, religion, politics, and gender studies to explore the issue of domestic violence in Islam; Explains the struggle to accommodate patriarchal religious traditions within a contemporary egalitarian framework ; Shows how the same scriptural text can be used to .
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domestic violence and the Islamic tradition: ethics, law ~ domestic violence and the Islamic tradition: ethics, law and the Muslim discourse on gender Download PDF. Download PDF. Book Review; Published: 12 February 2016; domestic violence and the Islamic tradition: ethics, law and the Muslim discourse on gender. Zahra Ali 1 Feminist Review volume 112, pages e1 – e3 (2016)Cite this article. 1624 Accesses. 3 Altmetric. Metrics details. Ayesha S .
Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition Oxford Islamic ~ Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition (Oxford Islamic Legal Studies) by Chaudhry, Ayesha S. (2014) Hardcover / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition Oxford Islamic ~ Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition (Oxford Islamic Legal Studies) / Ayesha S. Chaudhry / ISBN: 9780198766193 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Domestic violence and the Islamic tradition : ethics, law ~ Oxford Islamic legal studies. Edition/Format: eBook: Document : English : 1st edView all editions and formats: Summary: This book examines the challenges and resources that the Islamic tradition offers to Muslim scholars who seek to address this dilemma. This is achieved through extensive study of the intellectual history of a Qur'anic verse that has become especially contentious in the modern .
Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition (Oxford ~ Many recent works on Islam strive to promote a 'public relations' image of Islam. This book deals with ethical problems of domestic violence as discussed in historic and contemporary Islamic religious doctrine. The stakes are high, and very real. The author confronts the significant issue of how modern Muslims can relate to Islamic tradition .
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Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition: Ethics, Law ~ Journal of Qur'anic Studies / List of Issues / Volume 17, Issue 2 / Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition: Ethics, Law, and the Muslim Discourse on Gender. By Ayesha Chaudhry. Oxford: Oxford University Press, December 2013. Pp. xx+258. HB £34.99. ISBN 78-0-19-964016-4.