PDF Farthing on International Shipping (WMU Studies in Maritime Affairs (1), Band 1)
Beschreibung Farthing on International Shipping (WMU Studies in Maritime Affairs (1), Band 1)
The book provides an introduction to shipping in all its aspects. It is a valuable source of information for students of traditional maritime law as well as for those who seek to understand maritime and shipping services on a global scale. The text includes information and analytical content on national and international practices in shipping, including the age-old dichotomy between freedom in international shipping and the persistent demands of states to control specific maritime areas, as well as the tension between, on the one hand, the desire on the part of sovereign states to regulate and protect their shipping interests and, on the other, the abiding concern and unquestioned right of the international community to regulate the global shipping industry effectively, in order to ensure maritime safety, protection of the environment and fair competition.
Farthing on International Shipping (WMU Studies in Maritime Affairs (1), Band 1) PDF ePub
Farthing on International Shipping / Proshanto K ~ Farthing on International Shipping. Autoren: Mukherjee, Proshanto K., Brownrigg, Mark . Sofortiger eBook Download nach Kauf; Hardcover 90,94 € Preis für Deutschland (Brutto) Hardcover kaufen ISBN 978-3-642-34597-5; Kostenfreier Versand für Individualkunden weltweit; Kostenloser Sofortzugriff, sofern verfügbar* auf die eBook-Version bei jeder Buchbestellung; Gewöhnlich versandfertig in .
Farthing on International Shipping (WMU Studies in ~ Farthing on International Shipping (WMU Studies in Maritime Affairs (1), Band 1) / Mukherjee, Proshanto K., Brownrigg, Mark / ISBN: 9783642345975 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs - SCImago Journal Rank ~ The WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs (JOMA) is an internationally peer-reviewed journal that covers such subject areas as maritime safety, maritime energy, marine environment protection, and maritime management and operations and gives special attention to human factors, impacts of technology, and policy-making in this context. JOMA is for academics, researchers and professionals in the .
World Maritime University The Maritime Commons: Digital ~ 2.4 International shipping 4 2.5 Maritime transportation in the 20 th century 5 2.6 Manning 6 2.7 Projections for the 21 st century 6 2.8 The regulatory dilemma 7 3. The regulatory regime of maritime transport 3.1 Maritime law 8 3.2 Strategic evolution 8 3.3 Safety and environmental protection concerns 10 3.4 Regulation in the 20 th century 11
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs / Home - Springer ~ WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs. Aims and Scope. The WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs (JOMA) is an internationally peer-reviewed journal that covers such subject areas as maritime safety, maritime energy, maritime administration, management and operations, and marine environment protection and gives special attention to human factors, impacts of technology, and policy-making in this context.
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WMU Papers in Maritime and Ocean Affairs / World Maritime ~ In addition to the WMU Papers in Maritime and Ocean Affairs, WMU publishes the WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs (JoMA) and a book series, the WMU Studies in Maritime Affairs. As part of the WMU mission, the WMU Papers in Maritime and Ocean Affairs are published electronically only and made freely available for download and distribution. Follow . Submissions from 2017 PDF. TRACEr-MAR: Technique .
Piracy At Sea Wmu Studies In Maritime Affairs PDF ~ piracy at sea wmu studies in maritime affairs Aug 26, 2020 Posted By Evan Hunter Public Library TEXT ID a45cb9a0 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library publication that can serve as an easy reference for practitioners as well as researchers and hopefully contribute to more concrete action piracy at sea brings together a wide
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs Journal Impact 2019-20 ~ The Journal Impact 2019-2020 of WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs is 0.840, which is just updated in 2020.Compared with historical Journal Impact data, the Metric 2019 of WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs grew by 2.44 %.The Journal Impact Quartile of WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs is Q2.The Journal Impact of an academic journal is a scientometric Metric that reflects the yearly average number of .
(BOOKS) WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs ~ World Maritime University - The WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs (WMU JoMA) is an international journal that covers the subject areas of maritime safety, marine environment protection and shipping operations and gives, in this context, special attention to the human element and the impact of technology. WMU JoMA is for professionals in maritime administration, industry and education.
Databases – World Maritime University Library ~ Articles on developments affecting international shipping, including reports from IMO and other regulatory authorities keep readers abreast of new conventions and legislation. Distance Learning students: Note that BIMCO accounts are provided to students physically attending courses at WMU only. C Clarkson’s Shipping Intelligence Network. Statistical data of shipping markets. Users can query .
About WMU - World Maritime University ~ The World Maritime University (WMU) was founded in 1983 by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), a specialized agency of the United Nations, as its premier centre of excellence for maritime postgraduate education, research, and capacity building. The University offers unique postgraduate educational programmes, undertakes wide-ranging research in maritime and ocean-related studies .
Farthing on International Shipping (WMU Studies in ~ Farthing on International Shipping (WMU Studies in Maritime Affairs, Band 1) / Proshanto K. Mukherjee, Mark Brownrigg / ISBN: 9783642441998 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
WMU studies in maritime affairs (Journal, magazine, 2013 ~ COVID-19 Resources. Reliable information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) is available from the World Health Organization (current situation, international travel).Numerous and frequently-updated resource results are available from this WorldCat search.OCLC’s WebJunction has pulled together information and resources to assist library staff as they consider how to handle coronavirus .
WMU Studies in Maritime Affairs - link.springer ~ WMU has made a massive step in increasing the number of female students since 1983, when the university opened, and just two women enrolled in the Malmo¨ MSc program. WMU was founded in 1983 by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and offers only postgraduate programs (MSc, PhD and Postgraduate Diplomas).
Shipping Operations Management (WMU Studies in Maritime ~ von I.D. Visvikis/ P.M. Panayides · Daten des Buchs Shipping Operations Management, . (3-319-62364-8) Shipping Operations Management (WMU Studies in Maritime Affairs (4), Band 4) von: I.D. Visvikis · P.M. Panayides. Gebunden. Details (Deutschland) (siehe auch: Kindle Ausgabe) Details (siehe auch: eBook (Kindle)) Details (Großbritannien) (siehe auch: eBook (Kindle)) Details (siehe auch .
WMU MSc/Postgraduate programme in Maritime Affairs ~ WMU offers a specialist Maritime English and Study Skills Programme (ESSP). The ESSP is designed to enhance English language competencies and provide the skills necessary to follow a postgraduate programme successfully, whether at WMU or another institution. More than a quarter of the ESSP students are external students who come to Malmö for this unique programme that prepares them for both .
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs / SpringerLink ~ WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs. April 2002, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp 1–1 / Cite as. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs. Authors; Authors and affiliations; Karl Laubstein .
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Shipping Operations Management (WMU Studies in Maritime ~ Shipping Operations Management (WMU Studies in Maritime Affairs (4), Band 4) / Visvikis, I.D., Panayides, P.M. / ISBN: 9783319623641 / Kostenloser Versand für alle .
World Maritime University (WMU), Sweden / Study.EU ~ Study at the World Maritime University (WMU) in Sweden. Study.EU: Your gateway to universities in Europe.