Ebook Intellectual Property and Development: Lessons from Recent Economic Research (World Bank Trade & Development Series)
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International policies towards protecting intellectual property rights have seen profound changes over the past two decades. Rules on how to protect patents, copyright, trademarks and other forms of intellectual property have become a standard component of international trade agreements. Most significantly, during the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations (1986-94), members of what is today the World Trade Organization (WTO) concluded the Agreement on Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), which sets out minimum standards of protection that most of the worlds economies have to respect. How will developing countries fare in this new international environment? This book brings together empirical research that assesses the effects of changing intellectual property regimes on various measures of economic and social performance ranging from international trade, foreign investment and competition to innovation and access to new technologies. The studies presented point to an important development dimension to the protection of intellectual property. But a one-size-fits-all approach to intellectual property is unlikely to work. There is need to adjust intellectual property norms to domestic needs, taking into account developing countries capacity to innovate, technological needs, and institutional capabilities. In addition, governments need to consider a range of complementary policies to maximize the benefits and reduce the costs of reformed intellectual property regulations. It will be of interest to students and scholars of international law, particularly in the area of intellectual property rights, international trade and public policy.
Intellectual Property and Development: Lessons from Recent Economic Research (World Bank Trade & Development Series) Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Intellectual Property and Development - World Bank ~ This book brings together empirical research that assesses the effects of changing intellectual property regimes on various measures of economic and social performance-ranging from international trade, foreign investment and competition to innovation and access to new technologies. The studies presented point to an important development dimension to the protection of intellectual property. But .
Intellectual property and development - World Bank ~ Intellectual property and development : Lessons from recent economic research (Inglês) Resumo. How will developing countries fare in this new international environment? This book brings together empirical research that assesses the effects of changing intellectual property regimes on various measures of economic and social performance-ranging .
Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Development ~ Carlos A. Primo Braga is manager of the World Bank's Information for Development Program (infoDev). Carsten Fink is a consultant for TechNet and a Ph.D. candidate in economics at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. Claudia Paz Sepulveda is a consultant in the Human Development Network of the World Bank. The views expressed in this paper are the authors’ own and should not be attributed to .
THEECONOMICS OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ~ East Anglia, UK. Her research interest is in the area of international trade and development economics. She has published a book entitled . Trade Division of the World Bank’s research department. He is interested in the economic effects of trade reforms and the rules of international trade agreements. Much of his research work has focused on legal and economic aspects of trade policy in .
NOT PATENTS BUT TRADEMARKS-BASED PATH OF TECHNOLOGICAL ~ Maskus, KEC Fink (Eds.) [2005] Intellectual Property and Development: Lessons from Recent Economic Research. The World Bank. Google Scholar; Mehrazeen, AR, O Froutan and N Attaran [2012] Establishing the relationship between trademark valuation and firm performance: Evidence from Iran. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 4(6), 181.
Development Economics - World Bank ~ The Development Economics Vice Presidency (DEC) increases understanding of development policies and programs by providing intellectual leadership and analytical services to the Bank and the development community. DEC is the premier research and data arm of the World Bank. DEC's main business lines are Development Data, Development Research, Global Indicators, and Knowledge Management
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World Bank eLibrary: Welcome ~ Research on gender equality and trade has been constrained by limited data and a lack of understanding of the connections among the economic roles that women play as workers, consumers, and decision makers. Building on new analyses and new sex-disaggregated data, Women and Trade: The Role of Trade in Promoting Gender Equality aims to advance the understanding of the relationship between trade .
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Ethiopia / Data - World Bank ~ Global Economic Prospects examines trends for the world economy and how they affect developing countries. The report includes country-specific three-year forecasts for major macroeconomic indicators, including commodity and financial markets.
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WTO / Publications by subjects - World Trade Organization ~ WTO PUBLICATIONS. Publications by subject. The WTO produces a wide range of publications on various trade-related issues. The vast majority of these publications may be downloaded from the WTO website while printed copies can be purchased through the Online Bookshop and the WTO Bookshop in Geneva.
The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development ~ Download multiple PDFs directly from your . Choose new content alerts to be informed about new research of interest to you; Export your search results into a .csv file to support your research; Register now or learn more. Download citations. Choose format RIS (ProCit, Reference Manager) BibTeX RefWorks Direct Export. Download citations Download PDFs. The Journal of International Trade .
WGI-Home - World Bank ~ Download full dataset (Excel) Download full dataset (Stata) . Aart Kraay, World Bank, Development Economics Financial support from the Knowledge for Change Program of the World Bank is gratefully acknowledged. The Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) are a research dataset summarizing the views on the quality of governance provided by a large number of enterprise, citizen and expert survey .
Papers / Joseph E. Stiglitz ~ "Rethinking Development Economics, The World Bank Research Observer, 2011 (published online on July 19). "Rethinking Macroeconomics: What Failed and How to Repair It", Journal of the European Economic Association, 9(4), pp.591-645. "Rethinking Macroeconomics: What Went Wrong and How to Fix It," Journal of Global Policy, 2(2), pp. 165-175.
Ha-Joon Chang - Wikipedia ~ Ha-Joon Chang (/ tʃ æ ŋ /; Korean: 장하준; Hanja: 張夏准; born 7 October 1963) is a South Korean institutional economist, specialising in development economics.Currently he is a reader in the Political Economy of Development at the University of Cambridge.Chang is the author of several widely discussed policy books, most notably Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in .
WDI - The World by Income and Region ~ The World Bank classifies economies for analytical purposes into four income groups: low, lower-middle, upper-middle, and high income. For this purpose it uses gross national income (GNI) per capita data in U.S. dollars, converted from local currency using the World Bank Atlas method, which is applied to smooth exchange rate fluctuations.
DataBank / The World Bank ~ The World Bank EdStats Query holds around 2,500 internationally comparable education indicators for access, progression, completion, literacy, teachers, population, and expenditures. The indicators cover the education cycle from pre-primary to tertiary education. The query also holds learning outcome data from international learning assessments (PISA, TIMSS, etc.), equity data from household .
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R&D, Innovation and Patents - World Intellectual Property ~ World Bank; World Health Organization (WHO) - Commission on Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation and Public Health (CIPIH) World Trade Organization (WTO) Non-Governmental Organizations. Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) International Intellectual Property Institute (IIPI) Research on Innovation
Global Economic Prospects ~ Policy Research Working Papers Download working papers on major . year and rebound to 6.9 percent in 2021 as activity gradually normalizes there and as lockdowns are lifted around the world. Economic activity in the rest of East Asia and Pacific is forecast to contract by 1.2 percent in 2020 before rebounding to 5.4 percent in 2021. Among major economies of the region, Malaysia (-3.1%), the .
EconPapers: Carsten Fink - Research Papers in Economics ~ Intellectual Property and Development: Lessons from Recent Economic Research World Bank Publications, The World Bank View citations (43) Software Items 2013. Inventor migration files WIPO Economics & Statistics Related Resources, World Intellectual Property Organization - Economics and Statistics Division See also Working Paper (2013)
WDI - Home - World Development Indicators ~ The World Development Indicators is a compilation of relevant, high-quality, and internationally comparable statistics about global development and the fight against poverty. The database contains 1,600 time series indicators for 217 economies and more than 40 country groups, with data for many indicators going back more than 50 years.
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