Buch online International Project Finance: Law and Practice
Beschreibung International Project Finance: Law and Practice
Project finance is used worldwide to structure and finance natural resource and infrastructure projects and practitioners must have a thorough grasp of the underlying principles of this specialist area. With a logical and helpful structure, this book addresses this need, providing a detailed analysis of practical issues and including checklists to give guidance on the structuring of projects.As well as addressing the basic principles which can affect the structuring and documentation of project financings, the book also studies structural, legal and contractual differences between the different sectors using project financing techniques such as transportation, telecommunication and mining.With a wide geographical coverage, the authors look at the application of English and New York law in cross-border documentation and also at the impacts of running projects in civil law jurisdictions. They also examine different sources of funding, such as banking documentation, international bond documentation and Islamic financing techniques, particularly in the Middle East and Asia, including the legal and documentation issues arising from the use of such financing techniques and how they interact with each other from a legal and contractual perspective. Equally significant, the book provides an analysis of project defaults and work-outs giving guidance on how to manage projects when these circumstances arise.
International Project Finance: Law and Practice ebooks
International Project Finance - Hardcover - John Dewar ~ Now in its third edition, International Project Finance is the definitive guide to legal and practical issues relating to international projects. The book considers the application of English and New York law in cross-border documentation and legal and practical matters associated with running financing projects in civil law jurisdictions.
Project Finance in Theory and Practice - 3rd Edition ~ Project Finance in Theory and Practice: Designing, Structuring, and Financing Private and Public Projects, Third Edition presents a set of topics that can be applied to any project financing task. It includes essential, core material for project finance, offering new insights about Sharia-compliant instruments and a comprehensive overview of the current state of the international regulation of .
Project Finance 2020 / Laws and Regulations / ICLG ~ Project Finance Laws and Regulations 2020. ICLG - Project Finance covers common issues in project finance laws and regulations - including security, bankruptcy, restrictions, insurance and arbitration - in 31 jurisdictions. Published: 29/04/2020
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Project Finance in Theory and Practice - UNTAG ~ Chapter 1 Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Project Finance 1 Chapter 2 The Market for Project Finance: Applications and Sectors 19 Chapter 3 Project Characteristics, Risk Analysis, and Risk Management 31 Chapter 4 The Role of Advisors in a Project Finance Deal 63 Chapter 5 Valuing the Project and Project Cash Flow Analysis 101 Chapter 6 Financing the Deal 147 Chapter 7 Legal Aspects .
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Project Finance 2020 / Laws and Regulations / Nigeria / ICLG ~ Apart from the projects mentioned in question 1.1 above, other significant project financing include: the Total Nigeria Plcâs Egina oil project which is producing about 150,000 barrels of oil per day; the N40bn facility upgrade of Transcorp Hotels Plc, Abuja; the US$9bn integrated refinery and petrochemical complex being constructed by Dangote Group in the Lekki Free Zone; and Lagos to .
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Principles of Project Finance: Yescombe, E. R ~ The Law and Business of International Project Finance: A Resource for Governments, Sponsors, Lawyers, and Project Participants Scott L. Hoffman. 4.7 out of 5 stars 5. Paperback. $75.71. Project Finance in Theory and Practice: Designing, Structuring, and Financing Private and Public Projects Stefano Gatti. 3.8 out of 5 stars 5. Paperback. $79.71. Only 18 left in stock - order soon. Corporate .
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