Buch The School Of Life: Self-Knowledge (Essay Books)
Beschreibung The School Of Life: Self-Knowledge (Essay Books)
In Ancient Greece, when the philosopher Socrates was asked to sum up what all philosophical commandments could be reduced to, he replied: ‘Know yourself’. Self-knowledge matters so much because it is only on the basis of an accurate sense of who we are that we can make reliable decisions – particularly around love and work. This book takes us on a journey into our deepest, most elusive selves and arms us with a set of tools to understand our characters properly. We come away with a newly clarified sense of who we are, what we need to watch out for when making decisions, and what our priorities and potential might be.Exercise:Interpreting AnxietyWrite down what you are anxious about; find at least eight things. Each entry should only be a single word (or just a few words) at this point. Don’t worry if some of the anxieties look either incredibly trivial or tragi-comically large. If you’re having trouble, search for things that may be anxiety-inducing under the following categories:– Work– Relationships– Children/Parents– Health– Money– Things I have to doFeel the curious release that can come from just making a list of these items.Huge relief can now come from what we call ‘unpacking’ an anxiety. There are two kinds of unpacking we might do around any given anxiety.
1. Practical unpackingWalk yourself through the practical challenge. Ask the following questions:– What steps do you need to take?– What do others need to do?– What needs to happen when?It is very useful to have a calm and sympathetic part of yourself (or a friend) listening in on the detailed description of what needs to be done to address an issue. It is no longer merely an anxiety; it is a set of steps. They might not all be easy, but at least you are clearer about what they are.
2. Emotional unpackingTalk yourself through an emotional challenge or set of doubts. Describe the feeling in more detail. What do you feel it points to? Imagine trying to piece it together for a very considerate friend.The aim here isnÂ’t to solve all anxieties; itÂ’s to start to get to know them and to experience the relief that comes from this.
The School Of Life: Self-Knowledge (Essay Books) Ebooks, PDF, ePub
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Self-Knowledge (Essay Books) eBook: The School of Life ~ Self-knowledge matters so much because it is only on the basis of an accurate sense of who we are that we can make reliable decisions – particularly around love and work. This book takes us on a journey into our deepest, most elusive selves and arms us with a set of tools to understand our characters properly. We come away with a newly clarified sense of who we are, what we need to watch out .
Buy Self-Knowledge: Essay Book Online / The School of Life ~ Self-knowledge matters so much because it is only on the basis of an accurate sense of who we are that we can make reliable decisions – particularly around love and work. This new essay book takes us on a journey into our deepest, most elusive selves and arms us with a set of tools to understand our characters properly.
Self-Knowledge (Essay Books) - Kindle edition by The ~ The School of Life is a global organization helping people lead more fulfilled lives. Through our range of books, gifts and stationery we aim to prompt more thoughtful natures and help everyone to find fulfillment. The School of Life is a resource for exploring self-knowledge, relationships, work, socializing, finding calm, and enjoying culture through content, community, and conversation. You .
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Self-Knowledge - The School of Life ~ A proportion of this book has appeared online at Every effort has been made to contact the copyright holders of the material reproduced in this book. If any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publisher will be pleased to make restitution at the earliest opportunity. The School of Life offers programmes, publications and
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The School of Life by The School of Life - Goodreads ~ The School of Life is a global organisation helping people lead more fulfilled lives. We believe that the journey to finding fulfilment begins with self-knowledge. It is only when we have a sense of who we really are that we can make reliable decisions, particularly around love and work.
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