Ebook Hirschhorn, E: Export Control and Embargo Handbook
Beschreibung Hirschhorn, E: Export Control and Embargo Handbook
The Export Control and Embargo Handbook, Third Edition is a comprehensive examination of export administration regulations. While most currently available titles covering export control and embargo law carry a broader international focus, U.S. regulations are the central topic of this book. The Export Control and Embargo Handbook provides the very latest information on the embargo, transaction, and currency controls administered by the Commerce, State, Energy, and Treasury Departments, as well as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This fully updated third edition is useful for individuals involved in issues surrounding both the exporting from the U.S. and re-exporting U.S.-origin goods and technology, as well as for transactions involving embargoed countries and their products. Offering a detailed analysis of licensing requirements and exceptions from a well-known expert in the field, the book also provides convenient access to the relevant excerpts from the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). Blending information with practical application, Eric L. Hirschorn's in-depth analysis of the key U.S. export restrictions on 'dual use' goods, software and technology, defense articles, technology and services, and nuclear equipment and technology, along with the rules governing dealings with embargoed countries, make this an invaluable asset for legal practitioners in the export industry. Any lawyer or government official involved in embargo issues can easily access necessary information using the detailed Table of Contents and thorough index. Law students preparing for a career in trade law will also benefit from the book's accessible style.
Hirschhorn, E: Export Control and Embargo Handbook PDF ePub
Hirschhorn, E: Export Control and Embargo Handbook: ~ Hirschhorn, E: Export Control and Embargo Handbook / Hirschhorn, Eric L. / ISBN: 9780195391510 / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
The Export Control and Embargo Handbook by Eric L ~ The Export Control and Embargo Handbook by Eric L. Hirschhorn (2010-03-18) / Eric L. Hirschhorn / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
: The Export Control and Embargo Handbook ~ The Export Control and Embargo Handbook, Third Edition is a comprehensive examination of export administration regulations. While most currently available titles covering export control and embargo law carry a broader international focus, U.S. regulations are the central topic of this book. The Export Control and Embargo Handbook provides the very latest information on the embargo, transaction, and currency controls administered by the Commerce, State, Energy, and Treasury Departments, as .
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BAFA - Export Control ~ The Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control publishes the Handbook of German Export Control (HADDEX). Volume 1 explains the export control legislation currently in force, volumes 2 – 4 contain the most important laws, regulations and announcements. The handbook can be obtained from the Bundesanzeiger Verlagsgesellschaft.
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BAFA - Homepage ~ The Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) is a superior federal authority subordinated to the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy. Pagination. page 1; page 2; page 3; page 4; page 5; page 6; module control. News. 2018.04.17 Article Foreign Trade Newsletter Export Control – Information Service of Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) The .
Dual-use trade controls - Trade - European Commission ~ Export controls need to be regularly updated to adjust to evolving security risks and threats, rapid developments in science and technology, and changes in world trade. The Commission presented a report to the European Parliament and the Council in October 2013 on the regulation's implementation and concluded that the EU should upgrade its export control system to face new challenges.
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