Buch Others in Mind: Social Origins of Self-Consciousness
Beschreibung Others in Mind: Social Origins of Self-Consciousness
In this book, Philippe Rochat explores self-consciousness, how it originates and how it shapes our lives, arguably the most important and revealing of all psychological problems. Why are we so prone to guilt and embarrassment? Why do we care so much about how others see us, about our reputation? What are the origins of such afflictions? Rochat argues that it is because we are members of a species that evolved the unique propensity to reflect upon themselves as an object of thoughts; an object of thoughts that is potentially evaluated by others. Based on empirical observations, this is a book of ideas, tapping into both developmental and anthropological phenomena and guided by strong existential intuitions regarding the human condition. At the core of these intuitions, there is the idea that human psychic life is predominantly determined by what we imagine others perceive of us.
Others in Mind: Social Origins of Self-Consciousness PDF ePub
Others in Mind: Social Origins of Self-Consciousness ~ Others in Mind: Social Origins of Self-Consciousness / Rochat, Philippe / ISBN: 9780521882408 / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Others in Mind: Social Origins of Self-Consciousness 1st ~ He states the basic premise of his book in two sentences: "We fear the judgment of others, and whatever this judgment might be, good or bad, it determines the representation of who we are in our mind (i.e., our self-consciousness). Once again, the view proposed here is that self-consciousness is in essence a social rather than an individual phenomenon. It depends on others and does not exist .
: Customer reviews: Others in Mind: Social ~ He states the basic premise of his book in two sentences: "We fear the judgment of others, and whatever this judgment might be, good or bad, it determines the representation of who we are in our mind (i.e., our self-consciousness). Once again, the view proposed here is that self-consciousness is in essence a social rather than an individual phenomenon. It depends on others and does not exist .
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The Origins of Self-Consciousness in The Secret Doctrine ~ This book is a compilation of passages skillfully chosen from the approximately 1500+ pages of The Secret Doctrine especially for inclusion in this volume. These passages isolate and group together the Theosophical teachings about the mysterious evolutionary origins of consciousness in Nature and self-consciousness in Man into one organic work. The Table of Contents, the 41 Sections, the dedicated Glossary, and the Index will all help to guide the reader through these difficult .
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Entwicklung der Theory of Mind in der Kindheit / SpringerLink ~ Meltzoff AN (2002) Imitation as a mechanism of social cognition: origins of empathy, theory of mind, and the representation of action. In: Goswami U (ed) The Blackwell handbook of childhood cognitive development. Blackwell, Oxford, pp 6–25 Google Scholar. Milligan K, Astington JW, Dack LA (2007) Language and theory of mind: meta-analysis of the relation between language ability and false .
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The Social Self by George Herbert Mead ~ It is needless, in view of the analysis of Baldwin, of Royce and of Cooley and many others, to do more than indicate that these reactions arise earlier in our social conduct with others than in introspective self-consciousness, i.e., that the infant consciously calls the attention of others before he calls his own attention by affecting himself and that he is consciously affected by others .
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The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the ~ According to Jaynes, the first area of the world to shed bicameralism in favor of full self-consciousness was the Middle East, and this began toward the end of the 2d Millennium BCE and was complete by about 500 BCE. By the time of Mohammed over 1000 years later, Jaynes claims that bicameral man was long gone, if some atavistic remnants remained (and remain) in human psychology. But Mohammed .
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Tree of Knowledge: The Biological Roots of Human ~ This looks very Buddhist as is taught in Dzogchen and no wonder that Varela was one of the initiators of the Mind Life Institute of the Dalai Lama and also a Buddhist himself. One other point where the theory is at first sight conclusive is on language. Reading the book you will understand that when you say a sentence your listener will hear .
Katja Crone, Kristina Musholt & Anna Strasser (eds ~ The selected articles mainly focus on three topics of the current debate: the relationship between conceptual and nonconceptual ways of self-representation; the role of intersubjectivity for the development of self-consciousness; the temporal structure of self-consciousness. A number of previously underexposed, yet important connections between different approaches are explored. The articles .
Gregory Nixon, Consciousness, Origins - PhilPapers ~ This is the approach of psychoanalysis and psychology that accepts the existence of an unconscious mind. It is also the view of most phenomenological philosophers and psychologists (Martin Heidegger, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jacques Lacan, etc.). This entry discusses several scientific and philosophical views of consciousness and its origins. Keywords consciousness, origin, self-consciousness .
Psychology of self - Wikipedia ~ Social comparison is regarded as the way in which we compare ourselves to other people around us. By looking to other people, we can rate our work and behaviors as good, neutral, or bad. The most beneficial or useful comparisons are those of people that are in the same category as ourselves. For example, a high school football player would be more appropriate in comparing themselves to an all .
Inventing the Individual: The Origins of Western ~ A new intensity of self-consciousness was allowed to brake through. Gregory’s vision was a social order founded on individual morality and self-discipline, rather than brute force and mere deference. The foundations for a move away from an aristocratic society to a democratic society had been laid. Gratian’s Decretum in 1140 discusses the relationship between canon law and natural law that .
Other Minds: The Octopus, the Sea, and the Deep Origins of ~ Other Minds takes us on an extraordinary deep dive, not only beneath the waves, for a revelatory and intimate view of the mysterious and highly intelligent octopus, but also through the eons, to look at the nature of the mind and how it came about. It's a captivating story, and Godfrey-Smith brings it alive in vivid, elegant prose. His ardent and humane passion for the octopus is present on .
Consciousness (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) ~ Consciousness of the meta-mental sort may well involve not only an increase in self-awareness but also an enhanced understanding of the mental states of other minded creatures, especially those of other members of one's social group (Humphreys 1982). Creatures that are conscious in the relevant meta-mental sense not only have beliefs, motives, perceptions and intentions but understand what it .
Waking, Dreaming, Being: Self and Consciousness in ~ He acknowledges social self-making (the narrative self of phenomenology), and he uses the extensive research of Tomasello (1999) to show that "joint attention" helps draw forth a mirror identity, the sense of self as seen by others. If he had read more recent work from Tomasello (2014), he would have seen Tomasello now supports the deeper social entanglement of "joint intentionality," which .
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Social Media Definition / OnlineMarketing Lexikon ~ Social meint in diesem Zusammenhang das Vernetzen mit Anderen sowie die Interaktion durch das Teilen und Empfangen von Informationen. Media ist schlichtweg das Kommunikationsinstrument, hier: das Internet. Social Media ist also ein webbasiertes Kommunikationstool, das Nutzer in die Lage versetzt, miteinander zu interagieren und Informationen zu teilen sowie zu konsumieren. FĂĽr die Interaktion .
Self-consciousness - Wikipedia ~ Private self-consciousness is a tendency to introspect and examine one's inner self and feelings. Public self-consciousness is an awareness of the self as it is viewed by others. This kind of self-consciousness can result in self-monitoring and social anxiety. Both private and public self-consciousness are viewed as personality traits that are relatively stable over time, but they are not .
How Did Consciousness Evolve? - The Atlantic ~ It’s a consequence of our hyper-social nature. Evolution turned up the amplitude on our tendency to model others and now we’re supremely attuned to each other’s mind states. It gives us our .