Buch online Stone, R: Modern Law of Contract
Beschreibung Stone, R: Modern Law of Contract
The Modern Law of Contract is a clear and logical textbook, written by an experienced author team with well over 50 years teaching and examining experience.Fully updated to address recent developments in Contract Law, it offers a carefully tailored overview of all key topics for LLB and GDL courses. The book also includes a number of learning features designed to enhance comprehension and aid exam preparation, allowing the reader to:¦¦ understand and remember core topics: boxed chapter summaries offer a useful checklist for students, while illustrative diagrams help to clarify difficult concepts;¦¦ identify important cases and assess their relevance: Key case features highlight and contextualise the most significant cases;¦¦ reflect on how contract law operates in context: highlighted For thought features ask students to consider what if scenarios, while In focus features offer critical commentary on the law;¦¦ consolidate learning and prepare for assessment: further reading lists and companion website directions at the end of each chapter direct you to additional interactive resources to test and reinforce your knowledge.Clearly written and easy to use, The Modern Law of Contract enables undergraduate students of contract law to fully engage with the topic and gain a profound understanding of this fundamental area.
Lesen Sie das Buch Stone, R: Modern Law of Contract
The Modern Law of Contract - Richard Stone - Google Books ~ The Modern Law of Contract is a clear and logical introductory textbook, written by a leading author and lecturer with over thirty years teaching and examining experience. Offering a carefully tailored overview of all key topics for LLB and GDL courses, this tenth edition has been thoroughly updated and presents learning features that will help students to: Understand and remember core topics .
The Modern Law of Contract: Stone, Richard, Devenney ~ The Modern Law of Contract is a clear and logical textbook, written by an experienced author team with well over 50 years’ teaching and examining experience.. Fully updated to address recent developments in Contract Law, it offers a carefully tailored overview of all key topics for LLB and GDL courses.
The Modern Law of Contract: : Stone, Richard ~ Buy The Modern Law of Contract 13 by Stone, Richard, Devenney, James (ISBN: 9780367222918) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
Elements of the law of contract - DPHU ~ Richard Stone LLB (Soton), LLM (Hull), Barrister, Professor and Head of Law, Lincoln Law School, University of Lincoln. In the 2004 edition of this guide Catharine MacMillan was primarily responsible for Chapters 1–2, 4–5, 7–8, 10–14 and 16–17. Richard Stone was primarily responsible for Chapters 3, 6, 9 and 15. Catharine MacMillan was responsible for the 2009 and 2012 revisions .
Free Contract Law Books Download / Ebooks Online Textbooks ~ This book is an attempt to draw such an outline of the principles of the law of Contract as may be useful to students, and, perhaps, convenient to those who are engaged in the teaching of law. Author tried to show how a contract is made, what is needed to make it binding, what its effect is, how its terms are interpreted, and how it is discharged and comes to an end.
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Contract law (Vereinigte Staaten) – Wikipedia ~ Rechtsquellen. Das US-amerikanische contract law speist sich strukturell weitgehend aus dem Recht und steht in der Tradition des common law. Jeder Bundesstaat hat jedoch sein eigenes common law und somit sein eigenes contract law. Zwar besteht zwar in Form des Uniform Commercial Code UCC ein uniform act, also der Versuch, die verschiedenen bundesstaatlichen Rechte durch Modellgesetze .
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