Ebook Humiliation (Big Ideas Small Books)
Beschreibung Humiliation (Big Ideas Small Books)
Wayne Koestenbaum considers the meaning of humiliation in this eloquent work of cultural critique and personal reflection.The lives of people both famous and obscure are filled with scarlet-letter moments when their dirty laundry sees daylight. In these moments we not only witness the reversibility of "success," of prominence, but also come to visceral terms with our own vulnerable selves. We can't stop watching the scene of shame, identifying with it and absorbing its nearness, and relishing our imagined immunity from its stain, even as we acknowledge the universal, embarrassing predicament of living in our own bodies. With an unusual, disarming blend of autobiography and cultural commentary, noted poet and critic Wayne Koestenbaum takes us through a spectrum of mortifying circumstancesin history, literature, art, current events, music, film, and his own life. His generous disclosures and brilliant observations go beyond prurience to create a poetics of abasement. Inventive, poignant, erudite, and playful, Humiliation plunges into one of the most disquieting of human experiences, with reflections at once emboldening and humane.
Lesen Sie das Buch Humiliation (Big Ideas Small Books)
Humiliation (Big Ideas Small Books): : Wayne ~ Humiliation (Big Ideas Small Books) / Wayne Koestenbaum / ISBN: 9780312429225 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Humiliation (BIG IDEAS//small books) (English Edition ~ Wayne Koestenbaum's "Humiliation" is a difficult book to read and an even more difficult book to rate. Birthed onto the printed page and its Kindle equivalent as part of Picador's BIG IDEAS/small books program which promises "provocative short books inviting us to rethink our biggest ideas," "Humiliation" perfectly embodies its reason for .
Humiliation BIG IDEAS//small books by Wayne Koestenbaum ~ Humiliation (BIG IDEAS//small books) by Wayne Koestenbaum (2011-08-02) / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Referencey - Humiliation (Big Ideas//Small Books) - Wayne ~ Title: Humiliation (Big Ideas//Small Books) Author: Wayne Koestenbaum; Released: 2011-08-02; Language: Pages: 192; ISBN: 0312429223; ISBN13: 978-0312429225; ASIN: 0312429223; DOWNLOAD CLICK HERE. Review “This literary ‘topping from the bottom’ is the funniest, smartest, most heartbreaking yet powerful book I’ve read in a long time.” —John Waters “Humiliation runs like a rash over .
Buildstr - Humiliation (BIG IDEAS//small books) - - pdf ~ Title: Humiliation (BIG IDEAS//small books) Author: Released: 2011-08-02; Language: Pages: 193; ISBN: ISBN13: ASIN: B004WJPZ96; DOWNLOAD CLICK HERE. Review “This literary ‘topping from the bottom’ is the funniest, smartest, most heartbreaking yet powerful book I’ve read in a long time.” —John Waters “Humiliation runs like a rash over the body of all of Wayne Koestenbaum’s work .
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