Buch Employment Law: A Practical Introduction (HR Fundamentals Book 17) (English Edition)
Beschreibung Employment Law: A Practical Introduction (HR Fundamentals Book 17) (English Edition)
To many, the world of employment law and seem complex and confusing. But, this important system that regulates the relationship between employers and employees is essential to understand. Employment Law is a clear and practical guide to understanding and applying the law effectively at work in the UK. It offers a complete overview of the fundamentals of employment law, exploring its importance for an organization, its employees and the HR function. Using a combination of practical tools, checklists, case studies and real-life examples, it builds legal knowledge in key areas including recruitment, contracts, discrimination, equal pay, health and safety and managing the end of the employment relationship.This fully revised second edition of Employment Law is updated to include the latest developments and changes in law and HR perspectives. It contains new material on employment statuses, Gender Pay Gap Reporting, Shared Parental Leave, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and disability discrimination, which is supported by updated case studies and a suite of new online resources. HR Fundamentals is a series of succinct, practical guides for students and those in the early stages of their HR careers. They are endorsed by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), the UK professional body for HR and people development, which has over 145,000 members worldwide.
Lesen Sie das Buch Employment Law: A Practical Introduction (HR Fundamentals Book 17) (English Edition)
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