Buch online Hindu Law: Beyond Tradition and Modernity (English Edition)
Beschreibung Hindu Law: Beyond Tradition and Modernity (English Edition)
This book presents a study on a postmodernist analysis of classical Hindu law, which has become neglected due to the modernist assumptions about the increasing irrelevance of ‘religious’ legal systems. The book is split into three parts. The first part focuses on the historical and conceptual background of Hindu law, while the second part concentrates on five facets of Hindu law that go beyond tradition and modernity, namely the Hindu marriage law, child marriage, polygamy, divorce, and the maintenance law. Finally, the third part presents a concluding analysis to the preceding chapters, where it presents the postmodern condition of Hindu law.
Hindu Law: Beyond Tradition and Modernity (English Edition) ebooks
Hindu Law Beyond Tradition and Modernity: ~ Hindu Law: Beyond Tradition and Modernity (English Edition) und ĂŒber 8 Millionen weitere BĂŒcher verfĂŒgbar fĂŒr Kindle. Erfahren Sie mehr. BĂŒcher âș Recht âș Verwaltungsrecht Teilen. 45,00 ⏠+ EUR 3,00 Versandkosten Alle Preisangaben inkl. deutscher USt. Weitere Informationen. Nur noch 1 auf Lager Verkauf und Versand durch RInternationals. FĂŒr weitere Informationen, Impressum .
Hindu Law Beyond Tradition and Modernity - Menski - Oxford ~ Hindu Law Beyond Tradition and Modernity Menski. This book contends that contrary to those who proclaimed it dead, Hindu law remains a complex living system that has reached a condition of postmodernity and that, along with Hindu custom and cultural concepts, it continues to play an integral role in legal developments today.
Hindu law : beyond tradition and modernity. (eBook, 2012 ~ Get this from a library! Hindu law : beyond tradition and modernity.. [Werner Menski] -- This book analyses the development of Hindu law from the ancient period to its emergence as a postmodern phenomenon in the 21st century. The author uses comparative social theory literature to .
Hindu Law (Beyond Tradition and Modernity): Werner F ~ legal modernity, as well as traditional perceptions, the author argues that Hindu law, custom, and cultural concepts continue to play an integral role in contemporary judicial reasoning and in the formulation of statutes. This intensively research volume will be invaluable for scholars and students of law, gender
: Hindu Law Beyond Tradition and Modernity ~ Hindu Law Beyond Tradition and Modernity 1st Edition by Menski (Author) 5.0 out of 5 stars 1 . Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. Apple. Android. Windows Phone. Android. To get the free app, enter your mobile .
Hindu Law: Beyond Tradition and Modernity by Werner Menski ~ The first part focuses on the historical and conceptual background of Hindu law, while the second part concentrates on five facets of Hindu law that go beyond tradition and modernity, namely the Hindu marriage law, child marriage, polygamy, divorce, and the maintenance law. Finally, the third part presents a concluding analysis to the preceding chapters, where it presents the postmodern .
Hindu law: Beyond Tradition and Modernity: ~ Hindu law: Beyond Tradition and Modernity: : Menski, Werner F.: Libri in altre lingue
Hindu law - Wikipedia ~ Hindu law, as a historical term, refers to the code of laws applied to Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs in British India. Hindu law, in modern scholarship, also refers to the legal theory, jurisprudence and philosophical reflections on the nature of law discovered in ancient and medieval era Indian texts. It is one of the oldest known jurisprudence theories in the world.
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Manusmriti - Wikipedia ~ The Manusmáčiti (Sanskrit: à€źà€šà„à€žà„à€źà„à€€à€ż), is an ancient legal text among the many DharmaĆÄstras of Hinduism. It was one of the first Sanskrit texts to have been translated into English in 1776, by Sir William Jones, and was used to formulate the Hindu law by the British colonial government.. Over fifty manuscripts of the Manusmriti are now known, but the earliest discovered .
DharmaĆÄstra - Wikipedia ~ DharmaĆÄstra became influential in modern colonial India history, when they were formulated by early British colonial administrators to be the law of the land for all non-Muslims (Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs) in South Asia, after Sharia i.e. Mughal Empire's Fatawa-e-Alamgiri set by Emperor Muhammad Aurangzeb, was already accepted as the law for Muslims in colonial India.
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Age of Consent Act, 1891 - Wikipedia ~ The law was never seriously enforced and it is argued that the real effect of the law was reassertion of Hindu patriarchal control over domestic issues as a nationalistic cause. In 1884, Rukhmabai, a 20-year-old woman was taken to Bombay high court by her husband Bhikaji after she refused to live with him. Having married him at the age of 11 years, never having .
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Pratap Bhanu Mehta writes: Modern religious politics is ~ They were creatively trying to craft a distinct Indian modernity within an Indian vocabulary, trying to transcend tradition without making tradition despicable. But as Gandhi recognised, that project was, in one sense, a failure: It did not prevent Indiaâs communalisation. Gandhiâs example could exercise a residual moral force. But whenever religious themes were brought into politics .
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Kwame Gyekye â Wikipedia ~ Tradition and Modernity: Philosophical Reflections on the African Experience, Oxford University Press 1997; Beyond Cultures: Perceiving a Common Humanity [Reihe: Ghanaian Philosophical Studies, III; The J.B. Danquah Memorial Lectures, Ser. 32], Accra 2003. Siehe auch. Liste ghanaischer Schriftsteller
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BBC - Religion - Hinduism: Gandhi - Mohandas 'Mahatma' Gandhi ~ Mahatma Gandhi promoted non-violence, justice and harmony between people of all faiths. This section also includes a dramatisation of Millie Polak's conversations with him.
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