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Beschreibung Introduction to European Tax Law: Direct Taxation
The increased complexity of European tax law represents a major barrier to access by all those who are experts in either taxation or European law, but are still not familiar with the legal issues arising from their combination. Similar problems also arise for scholars and practitioners around the world who have realized that European tax law is no longer relevant only for a small academic European tax circle, but has turned into a strategic element for international tax planning in relations with the EU countries. The number of judgments of the European Court of Justice in the field of direct taxation continues to grow at a stable pace, bringing technical legal complexity to a system which is reaching maturity on several issues, as proven by the significantly increased number of infringement procedures over the past two years. Global tax transparency is prompting the political consensus required for upgrading tax directives that enhance cooperation among Member States. By contrast, other areas of direct taxation remain largely tied to the schemes of the early days in the history of European tax law, although progress in positive integration in such areas is equally important. This textbook - now in its second edition - is updated and upgraded, enhancing its use, with the addition of flow charts and a table of cases. For both students and practitioners, it serves as an introduction to European direct taxation.
Introduction to European Tax Law: Direct Taxation Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Introduction to European Tax Law on Direct Taxation Linde ~ Introduction to European Tax Law on Direct Taxation (Linde Lehrbuch) (Englisch) Taschenbuch – 6. September 2018 September 2018 von Michael Lang (Herausgeber), Pasquale Pistone (Herausgeber), Josef Schuch (Herausgeber), Claus Staringer (Herausgeber), Alexander Rust (Herausgeber), Georg Kofler (Herausgeber), Karoline Spies (Herausgeber) & 4 mehr
Introduction to European Tax Law: Direct Taxation: Fifth ~ Introduction to European Tax Law: Direct Taxation: Fifth Edition: : Lang, Michael, Pistone, Pasquale, Schuch, Josef: Fremdsprachige Bücher
Introduction to European Tax Law on Direct Taxation ~ This concise handbook has become a traditional instrument for gaining basic knowledge of European tax law with emphasis on direct taxes. It is directed at students, experienced international tax specialists with little knowledge of European law, European law specialists and non-Europeans who deal with Europe for business or academic reasons and need to understand the foundations of European tax law. Moreover, this book can be useful to academics without a legal background in approaching .
Chapter 1 – The Sources of EU Law Relevant for Direct Taxation ~ Chapter 1 – The Sources of EU Law Relevant for Direct Taxation 24 Lang et al (Eds), Introduction to European Tax Law on Direct Taxation6, Linde C. Soft Law 72 EU soft law comprises non-binding recommendations and communications. These are aimed at promoting Member Stat es’ voluntary compliance with EU law (see Chapter 2, m.no. 144 et seq .
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Introduction To European Tax Law Direct Taxation [EPUB] ~ introduction to european tax law direct taxation Sep 19, 2020 Posted By Wilbur Smith Library TEXT ID 548a14e2 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library law this fifth edition has enhanced the analysis of the implications of the eu charter of fundamental rights for direct taxes and significantly revises the structure and content
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Introduction To European Tax Law Direct Taxation Third ~ ## Free eBook Introduction To European Tax Law Direct Taxation Third Edition ## Uploaded By Nora Roberts, introduction to european tax law direct taxation responsibility edited by michael lang pasquale pistone josef schuch claus staringer edition third edition publication london united kingdom spiramus press 2013 physical description 269 pages illustrations 23 cm available online at the .
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4. The Arbitration Convention - Linde Verlag ~ Chapter 1 – The Sources of EU Law Relevant for Direct Taxation 26 Lang et al (Eds), Introduction to European Tax Law on Direct Taxation5 3. European Partnership Agreements (EPA) 79 Furthermore, the EU and its Member Stat es have concluded several international agreements with third countries for the purpose of making them share to a
Table of Contents - Linde Verlag ~ fb-europ-tax-law-2018_Lang.book Seite XI Dienstag, 28. August 2018 11:31 11 August 2018 11:31 11 XII Lang et al (Eds), Introduction to European Tax Law on Direct Taxation 5