Ebook Trebilcock, M: Advanced Introduction to International Trade (Elgar Advanced Introductions)
Beschreibung Trebilcock, M: Advanced Introduction to International Trade (Elgar Advanced Introductions)
A second and fully updated edition of the book previously entitled Understanding Trade Law, this book presents an accessible yet nuanced introduction to the basic structure and principles of international trade law. It explores the development of the international trade law regime, principally GATT and WTO law, and through clear and concise discussion of the many developments that have arisen, gives a streamlined overview of this notoriously complex area of legal study. Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences and law, expertly written by the worldÂ’s leading scholars.Michael Trebilcock provides a broad and deep narrative of the fundamental components of international trade law through succinct chapters, situating each topic in the context of broader domestic and international political economy considerations. The topics covered include: the emergence of the multilateral trading system (WTO); dispute settlement; tariffs; preferential trade agreements; the principle of non-discrimination; contingent protection laws; agriculture; services; investment; intellectual property; health; safety; environmental and labour standards regulation; and the role of developing countries in the trading system. Discussion is rooted by useful reference points to basic sources throughout.Written with the insight of 25 yearsÂ’ experience in the study of international trade law, this unique book makes a valuable addition to the literature and will be an indispensable reference point. It will be essential reading for students in law and a vital resource for those in economics, political science and international relations. Non-specialist scholars and policy advisors will benefit from the bookÂ’s comprehensive and discerning exploration of the principles of international trade law.
Trebilcock, M: Advanced Introduction to International Trade (Elgar Advanced Introductions) PDF ePub
Trebilcock, M: Advanced Introduction to International ~ Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences and law, expertly written by the world s leading scholars.Michael Trebilcock provides a broad and deep narrative of the fundamental components of international trade law through succinct chapters, situating each topic in the context of broader domestic and international political economy considerations. The topics covered include: the emergence of the multilateral trading system .
Trebilcock, M: Advanced Introduction to International ~ Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences and law, expertly written by the world s leading scholars.Michael Trebilcock provides a broad and deep narrative of the fundamental components of international trade law through succinct chapters, situating each topic in the context of broader domestic and international political economy considerations. The topics covered include: the emergence of the multilateral trading system .
Advanced Introduction to International Trade Law - e-elgar ~ ‘This Advanced Introduction provides an excellent succinct yet accurate summary of the international trade rules applicable, inter alia, to trade in goods, services, intellectual property, and investment. It also explores international standards, social issues such as development, environment, labour, human rights, and it addresses the institutional framework and the future of the world trading system. As an experienced practitioner in this field, I highly recommend this book to government .
Advanced introduction to international trade law - Ghent ~ Advanced introduction to international trade law; book Advanced introduction to international trade law Michael J Trebilcock Published in 2015 - 2015 in Cheltenham UK by Edward Elgar Publishing Services. Reference details. More from. Michael J Trebilcock ; More about .
Advanced Introduction to International Trade Law (Elgar ~ Advanced Introduction to International Trade Law (Elgar Advanced Introductions series), by Michael J. Trebilcock. Beginning with visiting this site, you have aimed to begin nurturing reviewing a book Advanced Introduction To International Trade Law (Elgar Advanced Introductions Series), By Michael J. Trebilcock This is specialized site that market hundreds compilations of publications Advanced .
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Advanced Introduction To International Trade Law Elgar ~ Law Elgar Advanced Introductions Series ~~, advanced introduction to international trade law elgar advanced introductions series 2 revisednd edition by michael j trebilcock author 50 out of 5 stars 4 ratings elgar advanced introductions elgar advanced introductions are stimulating and thoughtful
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