Buch online Brown, C: Commentaries on Selected Model Investment Treaties (Oxford Commentaries on International Law)
Beschreibung Brown, C: Commentaries on Selected Model Investment Treaties (Oxford Commentaries on International Law)
The existing literature on the substantive and procedural aspects of bilateral investment treaties (BITs) relies heavily on investment treaty arbitration decisions as a source of law. What is missing is a comprehensive, analytical review of state practice. This volume fills this gap, providing detailed analyses of the investment treaty policy and practice of nineteen leading capital-exporting states and emerging market economies. The authors are leading experts in government, academia, and private legal practice, and their chapters are largely based on primary source materials. Each chapter provides a description of the regulatory or policy framework governing foreign investment (both inflows and outflows) with a historical presentation of the state's Model BIT; an examination of internal government processes and practices relating to treaty negotiation, conclusion, ratification and record-keeping; and a detailed article-by-article analytical commentary of the state's Model BIT, elucidating the policy behind each provision and highlighting the ways in which the actual investment treaty practice of that state deviates from this standard text. This commentary is supplemented by the case law relevant to that state's investment treaties. This commentary will be of immense assistance to counsel and arbitrators engaged in arguing and determining the proper interpretation of BITs and investment chapters in Free Trade Agreements, and to government officials and scholars engaged in BIT policy formulation and implementation. It will serve as a standard resource for legal practitioners, scholars, policy-makers and other stakeholders in the field of international investment policy, law, and arbitration.
Brown, C: Commentaries on Selected Model Investment Treaties (Oxford Commentaries on International Law) PDF ePub
Commentaries on Selected Model Investment Treaties. By C ~ Chester Brownâs edited volume Commentaries on Selected Model Investment Treaties is a useful reference guide offering valuable insights into the provisions, history and background of 17 such âmodelâ investment agreements, with the express aim of improving our understanding of them from the viewpoint of the adopting state, including through a reference to that stateâs investment policy .
Book Review: Commentaries on Selected Model Investment ~ Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. Pp. 1,024. ÂŁ180. isbn : 978-0-19-964519-0. The âCommentaries on Selected Model Investment Treatiesâ edited by Chester Brown present extensive commentaries by a number of eminent international lawyers on the model investment treaties, treaty practise of 16 countries, as well as the investment rules under Chapter 11 of the North American Free Trade .
Commentaries on Selected Model Investment Treaties by ~ Commentaries on Selected Model Investment Treaties 990. by Chester Brown. NOOK Book (eBook) $ . Oxford Commentaries on International Law: Sold by: Barnes & Noble: Format: NOOK Book: Pages: 990: File size: 18 MB: Note: This product may take a few minutes to download. About the Author. Dr Chester Brown is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Sydney, a Barrister at 7 .
The Cambridge Companion to International Law edited by ~ Attention is also given to its operation within international institutions and in dispute settlement, and a separate section is devoted to international law's 'projects': protecting human rights, eradicating poverty, the conservation of resources, the regulation of international trade and investment and the establishment of international order. The diverse group of contributors draws from .
Andrew Newcombe - University of Victoria ~ "IIAs in the Americas" in M. Bungenberg, J. Griebel, S. Hobe and A. Reinisch eds., International Investment Law (Nomos âHart Publishing, forthcoming 2013). "Canada" (with CĂ©line LĂ©vesque) in C. Brown, ed., Commentaries on Selected Model Investment Treaties (Oxford University Press, 2013). "Developments in IIA Treaty-Making" in A. DeMestral & C. LĂ©vesque, eds, Improving International .
The International Law on Foreign Investment by M. Sornarajah ~ This book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by . reliable textbook on the international law of foreign investment has rarely been so timely. Sornarajah's classic text surveys how international law has developed to protect foreign investments by multinational actors and to control any misconduct on their part. It analyses treaty-based .
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