PDF Import and Customs Law Handbook
Beschreibung Import and Customs Law Handbook
The handbook provides a concise, easily-accessed guide to the laws and procedures used by U.S. Customs to process imported merchandise. Former customs officer Horton provides marketing, sales, purchasing, and other corporate executives with ways to save or recover duties paid. He gives practical advice on how to comply with Customs requirements for documenting, auditing their companies import transactions, and, soliciting administrative redress when wrongs are suspected. His brief, relevant history of Customs and his review of how it works today will help corporate compliance officers sidestep costly mistakes in communicating with Customs officials. Others with general management responsibilities will benefit from Horton's explanation of how import operations can be organized to conform to the laws and still be cost-effective.
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Import and Customs Law Handbook (Englisch) Gebundenes Buch ~ Import and Customs Law Handbook / Horton, Michael J. / ISBN: 9780899306650 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Import and Customs Law Handbook by Michael J. Horton 1992 ~ Import and Customs Law Handbook by Michael J. Horton (1992-02-28) / Michael J. Horton / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Import and Customs Law Handbook: 9780899306650 ~ Michael Horton, a former customs officer himself and an attorney now specializing in customs law, draws on his practical experience to provide understandable explanations of what the laws are, how they work, and how import operations can be organized to conform to them and still be cost-effective. Comprehensive and easily accessed, Horton's handbook is also a study of the Customs Service's .
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