Buch online Love Is a Story: A New Theory of Relationships
Beschreibung Love Is a Story: A New Theory of Relationships
In this groundbreaking work, Robert Sternberg opens the book of love and shows you how to discover your own story--and how to read your relationships in a whole new light. What draws us so strongly to some people and repels us from others? What makes some relationships work so smoothly and others burst into flames? Sternberg gives us new answers to these questions by showing that the kind of relationship we create depends on the kind of love stories we carry inside us. Drawing on extensive research and fascinating examples of real couples, Sternberg identifies 26 types of love story--including the fantasy story, the business story, the collector story, the horror story, and many others--each with its distinctive advantages and pitfalls, and many of which are clashingly incompatible. These are the largely unconscious preconceptions that guide our romantic choices, and it is only by becoming aware of the kind of story we have about love that we gain the freedom to create more fulfilling and lasting relationships. As long as we remain oblivious to the role our stories play, we are likely to repeat the same mistakes again and again. But the enlivening good news this book brings us is that though our stories drive us, we can revise them and learn to choose partners whose stories are more compatible with our own. Quizzes in each chapter help you to see which stories you identify with most strongly and which apply to your partner. Are you a traveler, a gardener, a teacher, or something else entirely? Love is a Story shows you how to find out.
Love Is a Story: A New Theory of Relationships Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Love Is a Story: A New Theory of Relationships: ~ Love Is a Story: A New Theory of Relationships / Sternberg, Robert J. Phd / ISBN: 9780195131024 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Love Is a Story: A New Theory of Relationships: ~ Love Is a Story: A New Theory of Relationships / Sternberg, Robert J. / ISBN: 9780195106428 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Love Is a Story: A New Theory of Relationships (English ~ Love Is a Story: A New Theory of Relationships (English Edition) eBook: Sternberg, Robert J.: : Kindle-Shop
Love Is a Story: A New Theory of Relationships by Robert J ~ Start by marking “Love Is a Story: A New Theory of Relationships” as Want to Read: . Start your review of Love Is a Story: A New Theory of Relationships. Write a review. Jan 30, 2019 Zahra saeedzade rated it it was amazing · review of another edition. از آنجایی که این کتاب را هی دارم به دوست و آشنا پیشنهاد میدم ، خوبه که به شما .
Love is a Story A New Theory of Relationships Robert J ~ Love is a Story A New Theory of Relationships Robert J. Sternberg Englische Bücher. Item discovered at See more similar items →
Descargar Love Is A Story A New Theory Of Relationships ~ Descargar Love Is A Story A New Theory Of Relationships/ Descarga Libros PDF Completos Gratis Como Descargar Libros Gratis Casadellibro. Descargar PDF Gratis español por . Aquí puede descargar este libro en formato de archivo PDF de forma gratuita sin necesidad de gastar dinero extra. Haga clic en el enlace de descarga a continuación para descargar el PDF de gratis.. Descargar Love Is A .
Love Is a Story: A New Theory of Relationships: Sternberg ~ Sternberg's new -ok, not new, let's say last- theory of love as a joint narrative between partners sounds promising. The stories per se are good with a lot of vignettes as examples. Perhaps i would miss a lot more on the final chapter which discusses the research isssues and its possible applications. But it is a good book for regular people and for researchers who don t want self-help books .
Love as a Story - Robert J. Sternberg, 1995 ~ This article advances the view that love is a story. The article discusses relationships as stories, what our stories are like, kinds of stories, where stories come from, how stories control the development of relationships, the difficulty of changing stories, the role of ideal stories, the cultural matrix of stories and relations to theories of love.
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