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Beschreibung A Casebook on Contract
This is the fifth, fully updated, edition of Professor Burrows' casebook, offering law students the ideal way to discover and understand contract law through reading highlights from the leading cases. Designed to be used either on its own or to supplement a contract law textbook, this book covers the undergraduate contract law course in a series of clearly presented and carefully structured chapters. The author provides an expert introduction to each topic and his succinct notes and questions seek to guide students to a proper understanding of the cases. The relevant statutes are also set out along with a principled analysis of them. In addition to cross-references to further discussion in the leading textbooks, an innovative feature is the summary of leading academic articles in each chapter. The book is designed not to overwhelm students by its length but covers all aspects of the law of contract most commonly found in the undergraduate curriculum.Praise for PREVIOUS EDITIONSProfessor Burrows' A Casebook on Contract provides everything you want in a case book: a stimulating, thought-provoking and up to date account of contract law. It combines both fantastic academic commentary and superbly selected materials making it simply one of the best contract law casebooks.Student Law Journal2013Excellent update. Continues to be the best Text, Cases and Materials volume out there.Jeremias Prassl, St John's College, OxfordThe most up-to-date text. Student friendly.Excellent coverage of the case law.Dr Benjamin Andoh, Southampton Solent University, Law SchoolAn outstanding casebook: concise extracts that capture all relevant aspects, clear and helpful comments, and up-to-date and well-selected suggestions for further reading.Florian Wagner Von Papp, University College LondonProbably the best and most straightforward text, with very good commentary andoverview of further reading.Ewan McGaughey, King's College, London.simply excellent, as it has case comments and insightful questions.to work outtutorial problems Burrows is essential.Anca Chirita, Durham Law SchoolClear, comprehensive, incisive and up-to-date.Professor Joshua Getzler, St Hugh's College, Oxford
A Casebook on Contract Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Read Download A Casebook On Contract PDF – PDF Download ~ This new casebook gives a clear, comprehensive, and up-to-date account of contract law, offering undergraduate law students the ideal way to discover and understand contract law through the reading of highlights from leading cases. It covers the entire undergraduate contract law course in a series of clearly presented and carefully structured chapters. Professor Andrew Burrows provides an expert introduction to each topic and his succinct notes and questions guide students to a proper .
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A Casebook on Contract Andrew Burrows Law ~ Title: A Casebook on Contract Andrew Burrows Law Author: Andrew Burrows Subject: Downloads PDF A Casebook on Contract by Andrew Burrows Law Books This is the sixth, fully updated, edition of Professor Burrows' casebook, offering law students the ideal way to discover and understand contract Date Published : 2018-09-20 Status : AVAILABLE
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Casebook on Contract Law - Jill Poole - Google Books ~ Jill Poole's bestselling Casebook on Contract Law provides students with a comprehensive selection of case law, addressing all aspects of the subject encountered on undergraduate courses. Extracts have been carefully chosen from a wide range of historical and contemporary cases to illustrate the reasoning processes of the courts, and to show how legal principles develop.
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Casebook on Contract Law - Law Trove ~ The Casebook series provides a comprehensive selection of case law that addresses all aspects of the subject encountered on undergraduate courses. Extracts have been chosen from a wide range of historical and contemporary cases to illustrate the reasoning processes of the courts and to show how legal principles are developed. The book begins with some guidance on reading cases, and then turns .
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A Casebook on Contract: Andrew Burrows: Hart Publishing ~ About A Casebook on Contract '…provides everything you want in a case book: a stimulating, thought-provoking and up to date account of contract law. It combines both fantastic academic commentary and superbly selected materials making it simply one of the best contract law casebooks.'
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A Casebook on Contract: Andrew Burrows: Hart Publishing ~ Once you have successfully made your exam-copy request, you will receive a confirmation email explaining that your request is awaiting approval. On approval, you will either be sent the print copy of the book, or you will receive a further email containing the link to allow you to download your eBook. For more information, visit our exam-copy area.
Poole's Casebook on Contract Law - Robert Merkin; Severine ~ All the cases you need, together with the tools to understand them.This contract casebook presents all the leading cases, supplemented by succinct author commentary and thought-provoking questions to deepen your understanding. Now updated by Professor Robert Merkin and Dr Severine Saintier, Poole's Casebook on Contract Law takes a uniquely supportive approach, to give you the confidence to .
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A Casebook on Contract: Andrew Burrows: Hart Publishing ~ About A Casebook on Contract. This is the fifth, fully updated, edition of Professor Burrows' casebook, offering law students the ideal way to discover and understand contract law through reading highlights from the leading cases. Designed to be used either on its own or to supplement a contract law textbook, this book covers the undergraduate contract law course in a series of clearly presented and carefully structured chapters. The author provides an expert introduction to each topic and .
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