PDF McFarlane, B: Land Law (Core Texts)
Beschreibung McFarlane, B: Land Law (Core Texts)
McFarlane, Hopkins, and Nield's Land Law is the most succinct, analytical textbook available in this subject area. These experienced and respected authors have used their unique approach to land law to provide a consistent structure with which students and lecturers can tackle the topics. The approach arms students with the tools needed to analyse content covered in classes and exams autonomously by demonstrating how to consider rules in isolation before looking at the full picture. This method helps students make links across topics. The concise treatment allows students to concentrate on building an in-depth, sophisticated grasp of the core principles. The authors' direct writing style and contextual outlook guides readers through the depth and detail and gives lucidity to abstract rules. The use of significant cases to exemplify rules in practice and diagrams for visual learners gives additional clarity to concepts that are particularly difficult to imagine. Students are encouraged to test their knowledge by answering end-of-chapter questions and to widen their research by referring to the resources suggested in the further reading lists accompanying each chapter. Web links to online sources are hosted on the Online Resource Centre. Legal updates are also available on this website.
McFarlane, B: Land Law (Core Texts) ebooks
Land Law: Text, Cases, and Materials - Ben McFarlane ~ Land Law: text, cases, and materials has been designed to provide students with everything they need to approach their land law course with confidence. Ready to be used as a stand-alone resource on all land law courses the authors combine stimulating commentary and well-chosen materials to present the subject in an interesting and dynamic way. Covering all core aspects of land law including .
Land Law - Ben McFarlane; Sarah Nield - Oxford University ~ Ben McFarlane and Sarah Nield Text, Cases, and Materials. Combines insightful author commentary with carefully selected extracts to provide a thought-provoking and contextualized account of the subject; Incorporates the authors' unique approach to land law which helps students understand how rules work in isolation as well as how they interlink .
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