PDF Telling and Duxbury's Planning Law and Procedure (Telling & Duxbury's Planning Law & Procedure)
Beschreibung Telling and Duxbury's Planning Law and Procedure (Telling & Duxbury's Planning Law & Procedure)
Telling & Duxbury's Planning Law and Procedure covers the fundamental principles of planning law in England and Wales. Now in its fifteenth edition, this guide to the complexities of planning law has been fully updated to take account of significant developments in legislation and case law since the previous edition. The book comprehensively covers all aspects of planning law, with chapters on central and local administration, development, planning permission, environmental impact assessment, conservation, and review by the courts and ombudsmen. This edition looks closely at the far-reaching changes to planning law which were brought about by the Localism Act 2011, as well as the continuing repercussions of the Planning Act 2008. The book examines the effects of all recent legislative reforms, including the amendments to the General Permitted Development Order 1995 and the introduction of the Habitats and Species Regulations 2010. The new edition also contains expanded treatment of infrastructure planning, taking account of the 2008 planning reforms and their subsequent amendments.Written in a concise and user-friendly style, this book is an ideal resource for lawyers specialising in planning law, planning professionals, and students studying planning law, surveying, town planning, architecture, and environmental law.
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Telling & Duxbury's Planning Law and Procedure (English ~ Telling & Duxbury's Planning Law and Procedure (English Edition) eBook: Robert Duxbury: : Kindle-Shop
Telling & Duxbury's Planning Law and Procedure (Grove Art ~ Telling & Duxbury's Planning Law and Procedure (Grove Art Series) (English Edition) eBook: Duxbury, Robert: : Kindle-Shop
Telling & Duxbury Planning Law and Procedure: Duxbury ~ Designed to be a concise and accessible guide to the fundamental principles of planning law in England and Wales, Telling & Duxbury's Planning Law and Procedure represents an up-to-date, practical resource for practitioners and academics in the field. The book is organised into 21 chapters that together cover all aspects of planning law.
Telling and Duxbury's Planning Law and Procedure (Telling ~ Telling & Duxbury's Planning Law and Procedure covers the fundamental principles of planning law in England and Wales. Now in its fifteenth edition, this guide to the complexities of planning law has been fully updated to take account of significant developments in legislation and case law since the previous edition.
Telling & Duxbury Planning Law and Procedure: ~ Telling & Duxbury Planning Law and Procedure: : Robert Duxbury: Fremdsprachige Bücher
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telling and duxburys planning law and procedure ~ telling duxburys planning law and procedure represents an up to date practical resource for practitioners and academics in the field the book is organised into 21 chapters that together cover all aspects of planning law telling duxburys planning law and procedure covers the fundamental principles of planning law in england and wales now in its fourteenth edition this our stores are openbook .
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