Buch Employment Law: The Essentials (English Edition)
Beschreibung Employment Law: The Essentials (English Edition)
The most up-to-date guide on UK employment law available for CIPD and HR students. Employment Law is the core textbook for the CIPD Level 7 Employment Law module. It takes the reader step-by-step through everything that they need to know, including the formation of the Contract of Employment, discrimination, health and safety in the workplace, unfair dismissal and redundancy. Easy to read and navigate, and full of case studies and useful examples that encourage deeper thinking, this fully updated 15th edition provides a thorough theoretical grounding in employment law that can be applied in practice.This new edition of Employment Law is completely up to date with the latest cases and legislation, including zero hours contracts, migrant workers' rights, shared parental leave and Brexit and provides an up-to-date analysis of anti-discrimination law, the national living wage and the 'Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006' (TUPE). Online resources include a lecturer guide, powerpoint slides and extra case studies to support learning and enable students to apply the theory in practice.
Employment Law: The Essentials (English Edition) PDF ePub
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