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Beschreibung Essentials of WTO Law
At a time when developments in WTO law have made this field increasingly complex, this concise and non-technical introduction provides a timely and carefully considered overview of the substantive rules and institutional arrangements of the WTO. A variety of text features enables a rich understanding of the law: illustrative examples clarify important issues of the law and demonstrate the law's practical application; boxed summaries of key rulings in WTO case law highlight the interpretation of the relevant provisions and lead readers to a deep understanding of the meaning and application of legal rules; and recommendations for further reading allow readers to engage with current debates. Online resources include links to useful sources of information for work and research within the field. Co-written by a leading authority in the field, this is essential reading for anyone who wants to get to grips with this fascinating yet challenging field of law.
Essentials of WTO Law ebooks
Essentials of WTO Law: : Van Den Bossche, Peter ~ Essentials of WTO Law: : Van Den Bossche, Peter: Fremdsprachige Bücher Wählen Sie Ihre Cookie-Einstellungen Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung anzuzeigen.
The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization Buch ~ William Nyambo Mwanza, student, School of Law, University of Edinburgh Advance praise: 'This is an essential book for anyone studying the law of international trade; the thorough explanation[s] of hard law and soft law provide a complete and balanced view of the law, inner workings and policy of the World Trade Organization . The comprehensive yet easily digestible summaries within each chapter highlight the most vital information, which really help[s] to streamline revision and provide .
ESSENTIALS OF WTO LAW PETER VAN DEN BOSSCHE DENISE PRfiVOST ~ ESSENTIALS OF WTO LAW PETER VAN DEN BOSSCHE DENISE PRfiVOST CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS . CONTENTS List offigures and tables page viii Pre/ace ix List of abbreviations xi Table ofcases xvi 1 International trade and the law of the WTO 1 1.1 The need for international rules on international trade 1 1.2 International trade law: bilateral, regional and multilateral agreements 3 1.3 WTO law 4 1.4 .
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Essentials of WTO law / Request PDF - ResearchGate ~ An important presumption in the WTO is that States are expected to comply with their obligations in line with Article 26 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties(VCLT). However, the WTO .
Essentials of WTO Law: Van Den Bossche, Peter ~ "Essentials of WTO Law by van den Bossche and Prévost masterfully combines the knowledge and experience of an Appellate Body Member and a renowned expert in trade and health issues, respectively, to offer to undergraduate students and other trade law and policy enthusiasts an accessible yet systematic discussion of WTO law basics."
Essentials of WTO Law by Peter Van den Bossche ~ Essentials of WTO Law book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. At a time when developments in WTO law have made this field increasi.
Essentials of WTO Law: : Van Den Bossche ~ Buy Essentials of WTO Law by Van Den Bossche, Peter (ISBN: 9781107638938) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
Essentials of WTO Law - Peter Van Den Bossche - Häftad ~ 'Essentials of WTO Law by van den Bossche and Prvost masterfully combines the knowledge and experience of an Appellate Body Member and a renowned expert in trade and health issues, respectively, to offer to undergraduate students and other trade law and policy enthusiasts an accessible yet systematic discussion of WTO law basics.' Panagiotis Delimatsis, Universiteit van Tilburg, The .
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Essentials of WTO Law : Peter Van Den Bossche : 9781107035836 ~ Mary Footer, University of Nottingham "Essentials of WTO Law by van den Bossche and Prevost masterfully combines the knowledge and experience of an Appellate Body Member and a renowned expert in trade and health issues, respectively, to offer to undergraduate students and other trade law and policy enthusiasts an accessible yet systematic discussion of WTO law basics." Panagiotis Delimatsis .
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Essentials wto law / International economic and trade law ~ Essentials of WTO Law. $22.00 USD. Authors: Peter Van den Bossche, WTO Appellate Body, Geneva; Denise Prévost, Maastricht University, The Netherlands; Date Published: May 2016; availability: This ISBN is for an eBook version which is distributed on our behalf by a third party. format: Adobe eBook Reader; isbn: 9781316572863; Find out more about Cambridge eBooks. Rate & review $ 22.00 USD .