Buch Rimner, S: Opium's Long Shadow: From Asian Revolt to Global Drug Control
Beschreibung Rimner, S: Opium's Long Shadow: From Asian Revolt to Global Drug Control
The League of Nations Advisory Committee on the Traffic in Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs, created in 1920, culminated almost eight decades of political turmoil over opium trafficking, which was by far the largest state-backed drug trade in the age of empire. Opponents of opium had long struggled to rein in the profitable drug. OpiumÂs Long Shadow shows how diverse local protests crossed imperial, national, and colonial boundaries to gain traction globally and harness public opinion as a moral deterrent in international politics after World War I.Steffen Rimner traces the far-flung itineraries and trenchant arguments of reformersÂsignificantly, feminists and journalistsÂwho viewed opium addiction as a root cause of poverty, famine, Âwhite slavery, and moral degradation. These activists targeted the international reputation of drug-trading governments, first and foremost Great Britain, British India, and Japan, becoming pioneers of the global political tactic we today call naming and shaming. But rather than taking sole responsibility for their own behavior, states in turn appropriated anti-drug criticism to shame fellow sovereigns around the globe. Consequently, participation in drug control became a prerequisite for membership in the twentieth-century international community. Rimner relates how an aggressive embrace of anti-drug politics earned China and other Asian states new influence on the world stage.The link between drug control and international legitimacy has endured. Amid fierce contemporary debate over the wisdom of narcotics policies, the 100-year-old moral consensus Rimner describes remains a backbone of the international order.
Rimner, S: Opium's Long Shadow: From Asian Revolt to Global Drug Control Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Opiumâs Long Shadow: From Asian Revolt to Global Drug ~ Opiumâs Long Shadow: From Asian Revolt to Global Drug Control (English Edition) eBook: Rimner, Steffen: : Kindle-Shop
Opium's Long Shadow: From Asian Revolt to Global Drug ~ Opium's Long Shadow: From Asian Revolt to Global Drug Control: : Rimner, Steffen: Fremdsprachige BĂŒcher
Opiumâs Long Shadow: From Asian Revolt to Global Drug ~ Opiumâs Long Shadow: From Asian Revolt to Global Drug Control [Rimner, Steffen] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Opiumâs Long Shadow: From Asian Revolt to Global Drug Control
Opium's long shadow : from Asian revolt to global drug ~ Get this from a library! Opium's long shadow : from Asian revolt to global drug control. [Steffen Rimner] -- The League of Nations Advisory Committee on the Traffic in Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs, created in 1920, reversed almost eight decades of political turmoil over opium trafficking, which was by .
Opiumâs Long Shadow â From Asian Revolt to Global Drug ~ Opiumâs Long Shadow From Asian Revolt to Global Drug Control . In 1920 the League of Nations Advisory Committee on the Traffic in Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs captured eight decades of political turmoil over opium trafficking. Steffen Rimner shows how local protests crossed imperial, national, and colonial boundaries to harness naming and shaming in international politicsâa deterrent .
Chinesische Horizonte und die Blickrichtung des Westens ~ Steffen Rimner: Opiumâs Long Shadow. From Asian Revolt to Global Drug Control. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard U.P. 2018. x+373 Seiten. Gebunden mit Schutzumschlag. ISBN From Asian Revolt to Global Drug Control.
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