Ebook The Duty of Care of International Organizations Towards Their Civilian Personnel: Legal Obligations and Implementation Challenges (English Edition)
Beschreibung The Duty of Care of International Organizations Towards Their Civilian Personnel: Legal Obligations and Implementation Challenges (English Edition)
This book constitutes the first comprehensive publication on the duty of care of internationalorganizations towards their civilian personnel sent on missions and assignments outsideof their normal place of activity. While the work of the civilian personnel of internationalorganizations often carries an inherent risk, the regulations, policies and practices of theemployer can help to address and mitigate that risk.In this book, the specific content and scope of the duty of care under international law is clarifiedby conducting an unprecedented investigation into relevant jurisprudence and legal sources.Included is a critical assessment of the policies of selected international organizations while aset of guiding principles on the duty of care of international organizations is also presented.This publication fills a gap in the existing academic literature on the topic and is aimedparticularly at academics and practitioners interested in the legal implications of the deploymentof civilian personnel abroad by international organizations. This includes scholarsand university-level students specializing in international law, international human rightslaw, the law of international organizations, labour law, EU law, international administrativelaw and the UN system, and practitioners, such as lawyers and consultants, representing oradvising international organizations or their personnel on the legal aspects of deployment.The book is also aimed at the senior management of international organizations and at theirofficers in charge of recruitment, human resources, training and security, in that it clarifiestheir legal obligations and provides concrete examples of the policies various internationalorganizations have in place for the protection of civilian personnel. Current and prospectivecivilian personnel of international organizations should also find the book useful forclarifying their rights and duties.Andrea de Guttry is Full Professor at the Dirpolis Institute of the Sant’Anna School ofAdvanced Studies in Pisa, Micaela Frulli is Associate Professor at the Dipartimento di ScienzeGiuridiche (DSG), University of Florence, Edoardo Greppi is Full Professor at the Dipartimentodi Giurisprudenza, University of Turin, and Chiara Macchi is Research Fellow at theDirpolis Institute of the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa.
The Duty of Care of International Organizations Towards Their Civilian Personnel: Legal Obligations and Implementation Challenges (English Edition) Ebooks, PDF, ePub
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