PDF English Legal System Eighth Edition
Beschreibung English Legal System Eighth Edition
Exam Board: AQA, Edexcel, OCR & WJECLevel: AS/A-levelSubject: LawFirst Teaching: September 2017First Exam: June 2018Support your students with this accessible and authoritative introductory textbook for the English Legal System - from the author and publisher you trust.Written by Jacqueline Martin, who has helped hundreds of thousands pass their exams and enjoy their studies, The English Legal System, 8th edition ensures that students have a comprehensive understanding of this area of the Law. It maintains a balance between deep insight and easy reading so students can reach their highest potential.The text supports a range Law courses, including OCR and WJEC A Level, ILEX, Access to HE, paralegal, international foundation programme, BTEC in Applied Law, law courses for non-law students in business, accountancy and public services plus Foundation Degree and LLB programmes.- Use diagrams, illustrations, key facts charts and activities to clarify difficult concepts and help students remember the key information- Support understanding and revision with key terms, a glossary for quick reference and examination advice- Hold your students' attention with interesting and informative cases and explanations of the law- Encourage students to question the logic and practicality of the law in England and Wales
English Legal System Eighth Edition Ebooks, PDF, ePub
English Legal System Eighth Edition (eBook, ePUB) - bĂĽcher ~ Support your students with this accessible and authoritative introductory textbook for the English Legal System - from the author and publisher you trust. Written by Jacqueline Martin, who has helped hundreds of thousands pass their exams and enjoy their studies, The English Legal System, 8th edition ensures that students have a comprehensive understanding of this area of the Law.
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