Buch lesen The ABC of the OPT: A Legal Lexicon of the Israeli Control over the Occupied Palestinian Territory
Beschreibung The ABC of the OPT: A Legal Lexicon of the Israeli Control over the Occupied Palestinian Territory
Israel's half-a-century long rule over the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and some of its surrounding legal issues, have been the subject of extensive academic literature. Yet, to date, there has been no comprehensive, theoretically-informed, and empirically-based academic study of the role of various legal mechanisms, norms, and concepts in shaping, legitimizing, and responding to the Israeli control regime. This book seeks to fill this gap, while shedding new light on the subject. Through the format of an A-Z legal lexicon, it critically reflects on, challenges, and redefines the language, knowledge, and practices surrounding the Israeli control regime. Taken together, the entries illuminate the relation between global and local forces - legal, political, and cultural - in Israel and Palestine. The study of the terms involved provides insights that are relevant to other situations elsewhere in the world, particularly with regard to belligerent occupation, the law's role in relation to state violence, and justice.
Lesen Sie das Buch The ABC of the OPT: A Legal Lexicon of the Israeli Control over the Occupied Palestinian Territory
The ABC of the OPT: A Legal Lexicon of the Israeli Control ~ Download The ABC of the OPT: A Legal Lexicon of the Israeli Control over the Occupied Palestinian Territory pdf books Yet, to date, there has been no comprehensive, theoretically-informed, and empirically-based academic study of the role of various legal mechanisms, norms, and concepts in shaping, legitimizing, and responding to the Israeli control regime. This book seeks to fill this gap .
Volume 46 Issue 4 / Journal of Palestine Studies ~ Read Volume 46 Issue 4 of Journal of Palestine Studies. Review: The ABC of the OPT: A Legal Lexicon of the Israeli Control over the Occupied Palestinian Territory, by Orna Ben-Naftali, Michael Sfard, and Hedi Viterbo
The ABC of the OPT - Orna Ben-Naftali, Michael Sfard, Hedi ~ The legal issues surrounding Israel's half-century rule over the Palestinian Territories are analyzed and critiqued in this original lexicon. Through a detailed examination of the terms and concepts involved, the book sheds light on the role of international and Israeli law in shaping, legitimizing, and responding to Israeli occupation.
Die Eroberung endete 1948 - Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Israel ~ • Orna Ben-Naftali, Michael Sfard, Hedi Viterbo, The ABC of the OPT. A Legal Lexicon of the Israeli Control over the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Cambridge 2018. Anmerkungen: In den 1920er Jahren spaltete sich die zionistische Bewegung in Sozialisten und Revisionisten. Eine relativ kleine Gruppe, die zwischen den beiden Fraktionen stand .
Resolutions of the 74th Session - UN General Assembly ~ Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem: A/RES/74/88: C.4: 51: A/74/PV.47 13 December 2019 GA/12228 .
1967: Die lange, lange Besatzung - Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung ~ • Orna Ben-Naftali, Michael Sfard, Hedi Viterbo, The ABC of the OPT. A Legal Lexicon of the Israeli Control over the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Cambridge 2018. Anmerkungen: Handel, Ariel: Exclusionary Surveillance and Spatial Uncertainty in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, in: Zureik, Elia et al. (Hrsg.): Surveillance and Control in .
West Bank Areas in the Oslo II Accord - Wikipedia ~ The Oslo II Accord divided the Israeli-occupied West Bank into three administrative divisions: Areas A, B and C. The distinct areas were given different statuses, according to their governance pending a final status accord: Area A is exclusively administered by the Palestinian National Authority; Area B is administered by both the Palestinian Authority and Israel; and Area C, which contains .
Israeli law - Wikipedia ~ Israeli law is based mostly on a common law legal system, though it also reflects the diverse history of the territory of the State of Israel throughout the last hundred years (which was at various times prior to independence under Ottoman, then British sovereignty), as well as the legal systems of its major religious communities.The Israeli legal system is based on common law, which also .
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Map: The spread of Israeli settlements in the West Bank ~ There are rarely good years, but 2014 has been a particularly dreadful one in the annals of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. U.S.-led talks between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators collapsed .
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