PDF International Investment Law and Arbitration: Commentary, Awards and other Materials
Beschreibung International Investment Law and Arbitration: Commentary, Awards and other Materials
What was once a contested body of principles applied peripherally to the international settlement of expropriation disputes has been transformed and in its place now stands an important area of international disputes practice. International Investment Law and Arbitration offers a comprehensive introduction to the subject. Presenting the facts of daily legal practice and the largely unaltered aims of the subject alongside a broad selection of key awards and original materials, historical developments are discussed in the context of the changing directions in the arbitral jurisprudence and current treaty and arbitration reform debate. Key features: accessible and engaging commentary integrated throughout, end of chapter questions test reader understanding, further reading lists support and encourage exploration of the subject. Suitable for postgraduate law students studying modules on international investment arbitration, International Investment Law and Arbitration offers an indispensable introduction to the subject.
International Investment Law and Arbitration: Commentary, Awards and other Materials PDF ePub
International investment law and arbitration commentary ~ International Investment Law and Arbitration offers a comprehensive introduction to the subject. Presenting the facts of daily legal practice and the largely unaltered aims of the subject alongside a broad selection of key awards and original materials, historical developments are discussed in the context of the changing directions in the arbitral jurisprudence and current treaty and .
Wildy & Sons Ltd — The World’s Legal Bookshop Search ~ Buy International Investment Law and Arbitration: Commentary, Awards and other Materials, by Chin Leng Lim, Jean Ho, Martins Paparinskis, ISBN 9781316632208, published by Cambridge University Press from www.wildy, the World's Legal Bookshop. Shipping in the UK is free. Competitive shipping rates world-wide.
Wildy & Sons Ltd — The World’s Legal Bookshop Search ~ Pre‑Order International Investment Law and Arbitration: Cases, Materials, and Commentary, by Andrea K. Bjorklund, Andrew Paul Newcombe, ISBN 9780199640157, to be published by Oxford University Press, July 2025 from www.wildy, the World's Legal Bookshop. Shipping in the UK is free. Competitive shipping rates world-wide.
About For Books International Investment Arbitration ~ While tribunals routinely state that they are applying principles of public international law to determine disputes, many of the principles applied have only been developed recently in the context of investment treaty arbitrations, and tribunals are often guided more by the approaches taken by other tribunals, than by pre-existing doctrines of public international law. International Investment .
The Oxford Handbook of International Investment Law by ~ International Investment Law and Arbitration: Commentary, Awards and other Materials Chin Leng Lim What was once a contested body of principles applied peripherally to the international settlement of expropriation disputes has been transformed and in its place now stands an important area of international disputes practice.
International Investment Law: Text, Cases and Materials ~ - Excerpts from the most influential arbitration decisions outline differing interpretations and ensure students don't learn in a theoretical vacuum. - Questions throughout encourage readers to come to their own opinions. This Textbook will be an invaluable teaching and learning tool for students of international investment law and other related disciplines. Enter your mobile number or email .
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Reports of International Arbitral Awards — Codification ~ International arbitral and judicial awards are of considerable importance, for they are a "subsidiary means for the determination of the rules of law" as provided in Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice. They are also important from the point of view of the progressive development of international law, a task which Article 13 of the Charter places under the .
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International Investment Arbitration: Substantive ~ other tribunals, than by pre-existing doctrines of public international law. International Investment Arbitration:Substantive Principles is an important contribution to the collection and codification of the current state of practice in this field.
ICSID Convention Arbitration Rules / ICSID ~ The Arbitration Rules have subsequently been amended three times. The first amendment was approved and took immediate effect on September 26, 1984: ICSID Arbitration Rules (1984). The second amendment was approved on September 29, 2002 and was effective on January 1, 2003: ICSID Arbitration Rules (2003).
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Mclachlan, C: International Investment Arbitration Oxford ~ It forms a detailed critical review of the substantive principles of international law applied by investment arbitration tribunals, and a clear and comprehensive description of the present state of the law. The first edition met with immediate success as a result of the authors' achievement in describing and analyzing the volume of law created, applied and analyzed by tribunals. The second .
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