PDF Corporate Finance Law: Principles and Policy
Beschreibung Corporate Finance Law: Principles and Policy
The second edition of this acclaimed book continues to provide a discussion of key theoretical and policy issues in corporate finance law. Fully updated, it reflects developments in the law and the markets in the continuing aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis. One of its distinctive features is that it gives equal coverage to both the equity and debt sides of corporate finance law, and seeks, where possible, to compare the two. This book covers a broad range of topics regarding the debt and equity-raising choices of companies of all sizes, from SMEs to the largest publicly traded enterprises, and the mechanisms by which those providing capital are protected. Each chapter analyses the present law critically so as to enable the reader to understand the difficulties, risks and tensions in this area of law, and the attempts made by the legislature and the courts, as well as the parties involved, to deal with them. This book will be of interest to practitioners, academics and students engaged in the practice and study of corporate finance law.
Lesen Sie das Buch Corporate Finance Law: Principles and Policy
Corporate Finance Law [EBOOK] ~ policy issues in corporate finance law it has been fully updated to reflect developments in the law and the markets one of the books distinctive features is its equal coverage of both the equity and debt sides of corporate finance law and it seeks where possible to compare and contrast the corporate financial law llm coronavirus information for postgraduate students the programme provides a .
The Law of Corporate Finance ~ The Law of Corporate Finance: General Principles and EU Law Volume III: Funding, Exit, Takeovers 123. Professor Petri Mantysaari¨ Hanken School of Economics Handelsesplanaden 2 65100 Vaasa Finland petri.mantysaari@hanken.fi This title is part of a three volume set with ISBN 978-3-642-03105-2 ISBN 978-3-642-03057-4 e-ISBN 978-3-642-03058-1 DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-03058-1 Springer Heidelberg .
Corporate Finance / Wiley Online Books ~ The essential corporate finance text, updated with new data. Corporate Finance has long been a favourite among both students and professionals in the field for its unique blend of theory and practice with a truly global perspective. The fact that the authors are well-known academics and professionals in the world of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and investment explains this popularity.
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