Pdf lesen Social Emotions in Nature and Artifact (Oxford Series on Cognitive Models and Architectures)
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Recent years have seen the rise of a remarkable partnership between the social and computational sciences on the phenomena of emotions. Rallying around the term Affective Computing, this research can be seen as revival of the cognitive science revolution, albeit garbed in the cloak of affect, rather than cognition. Traditional cognitive science research, to the extent it considered emotion at all, cases it as at best a heuristic but more commonly a harmful bias to cognition. More recent scholarship in the social sciences has upended this view. Increasingly, emotions are viewed as a form of information processing that serves a functional role in human cognition and social interactions. Emotions shape social motives and communicate important information to social partners. When communicating face-to-face, people can rapidly detect nonverbal affective cues, make inferences about the other party's mental state, and respond in ways that co-construct an emotional trajectory between participants. Recent advances in biometrics and artificial intelligence are allowing computer systems to engage in this nonverbal dance, on the one hand opening a wealth of possibilities for human-machine systems, and on the other, creating powerful new tools for behavioral science research. Social Emotions in Nature and Artifact reports on the state-of-the-art in both social science theory and computational methods, and illustrates how these two fields, together, can both facilitate practical computer/robotic applications and illuminate human social processes.
Social Emotions in Nature and Artifact (Oxford Series on Cognitive Models and Architectures) ebooks
Social Emotions in Nature and Artifact (Oxford Series on ~ Social Emotions in Nature and Artifact (Oxford Series on Cognitive Models and Architectures) (English Edition) eBook: Gratch, Jonathan, Marsella, Stacy: : Kindle-Shop
Social Emotions in Nature and Artifact (eBook, PDF ~ Recent years have seen the rise of a remarkable partnership between the social and computational sciences on the phenomena of emotions. Rallying around the term Affective Computing, this research can be seen as revival of the cognitive science revolution, albeit garbed in the cloak of affect, rather than cognition.
Social Emotions in Nature and Artifact - Oxford Scholarship ~ Motion profoundly shapes human social interactions. Researchers across a surprising diversity of scientific and technical fields are attempting to measure, understand and possibly harness the impact emotionâs role in shaping interactions between people and between people and technology. Concepts like rapport, emotional contagion or emergent emotions presuppose people rapidly detect nonverbal .
Social Emotions in Nature and Artifact - Jonathan Gratch ~ Social Emotions in Nature and Artifact Edited by Jonathan Gratch and Stacy Marsella Oxford Series on Cognitive Models and Architectures. Present currents social science theories of social emotions from cognitive, biological, social and developmental perspectives
Social Emotions in Nature and Artifact (Oxford Series on ~ Social Emotions in Nature and Artifact (Oxford Series on Cognitive Models and Architectures) eBook: Gratch, Jonathan, Marsella, Stacy: : Kindle Store
Social Emotions in Nature and Artifact Oxford Series on ~ Social Emotions in Nature and Artifact Oxford Series on Cognitive Models and Architectures: : Gratch, Jonathan, Marsella, Stacy: Books
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Social Emotions in Nature and Artifact / Oxford University ~ Recent years have seen the rise of a remarkable partnership between the social and computational sciences on the phenomena of emotions. Rallying around the term Affective Computing, this research can be seen as revival of the cognitive science revolution, albeit garbed in the cloak of affect, rather than cognition. Traditional cognitive science research, to the extent it considered emotion at .
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Social Emotions in Nature and Artifact (Oxford Series on ~ .co.jp: Social Emotions in Nature and Artifact (Oxford Series on Cognitive Models and Architectures) (English Edition) é»ćæžç±: Gratch, Jonathan, Marsella, Stacy: Kindleăčăăą
Social emotions in nature and artifact (eBook, 2014 ~ Get this from a library! Social emotions in nature and artifact. [Jonathan Gratch; Stacy Marsella;] -- Researchers across a surprising diversity of scientific and technical fields are attempting to measure, understand and possibly harness the impact emotion's role in shaping interactions between .
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Social Emotions in Nature and Artifact Oxford Series on ~ Social Emotions in Nature and Artifact (Oxford Series on Cognitive Models and Architectures) (2013-11-29) / unknown / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Nature of Emotions - Explorable ~ These theories use the concepts of emotional arousal, physiological responses and/or the subjective perception/interpretation of the event in formulating hypotheses on emotions and their causes. In the early theories of emotion, there is a distinction between cognition and biological responses as the causes of emotions, as explained in the James-Lange Theory and the Cannon-Bard Theory .
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