Buch Minilateralism: How Trade Alliances, Soft Law And Financial Engineering Are Redefining Economic Statecraft
Beschreibung Minilateralism: How Trade Alliances, Soft Law And Financial Engineering Are Redefining Economic Statecraft
Economic diplomacy is changing. The multilateral organizations that dominated the last half of the twentieth century no longer monopolize economic affairs. Instead, countries are resorting to more modest 'minilateral' strategies like trade alliances, informal 'soft law' agreements, and financial engineering to manage the global economy. Like traditional modes of economic statecraft, these tools are aimed at both liberalizing and supervising international financial policy in a world of diverse national interests. But unlike before, they are specifically tailored to navigating a post-American (and post-Western) world where economic power is more diffuse than ever before. This book explains how these strategies work and reveals how this new diplomatic toolbox will reshape how countries do business with one another for decades to come.
Minilateralism: How Trade Alliances, Soft Law And Financial Engineering Are Redefining Economic Statecraft Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Minilateralism: How Trade Alliances, Soft Law and ~ Minilateralism: How Trade Alliances, Soft Law and Financial Engineering are Redefining Economic Statecraft / Chris Brummer / ISBN: 9781107053144 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Kindle » Minilateralism: How Trade Alliances, Soft Law and ~ BRAND NEW, Minilateralism: How Trade Alliances, Soft Law and Financial Engineering are Redefining Economic Statecraft, Chris Brummer, Economic diplomacy is changing. The multilateral organizations that dominated the last half of the twentieth century no longer monopolize economic affairs. Instead, countries are resorting to more modest .
Minilateralism: How Trade Alliances, Soft Law And ~ Economic diplomacy is changing. The multilateral organizations that dominated the last half of the twentieth century no longer monopolize economic affairs. Instead, countries are resorting to more modest "minilateral" strategies like trade alliances, informal "soft law" agreements, and financial engineering to manage the global economy. Like .
Studyguide for Minilateralism: How Trade Alliances, Soft ~ [PDF] Studyguide for Minilateralism: How Trade Alliances, Soft Law and Financial Engineering are Redefining Economic Statecraft. Studyguide for Minilateralism: How Trade Alliances, Soft Law and Financial Engineering are Redefining Economic Statecraft by Chris Brummer ISBN: 9781107053144 Book Review This ebook is fantastic. It is actually writter in straightforward terms rather than hard to .
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Minilateralism: How Trade Alliances, Soft Law and ~ Economic diplomacy is changing. The multilateral organizations that dominated the last half of the twentieth century no longer monopolize economic affairs. Instead, countries are resorting to more modest "minilateral" strategies like trade alliances, informal "soft law" agreements, and financial engineering to manage the global economy. Like .
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Minilateralism: How Trade Alliances, Soft Law And ~ Minilateralism: How Trade Alliances, Soft Law And Financial Engineering Are Redefining Economic Statecraft / Brummer, Chris / ISBN: 9781107678569 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Studyguide for Minilateralism: How Trade Alliances, Soft ~ 9781107053144 - To read Studyguide for Minilateralism: How Trade Alliances, Soft Law and Financial Engineering are Redefining Economic Statecraft by Chris Brummer ISBN: 9781107053144 PDF, make sure you follow the link under and download the document or gain access to other information which are highly relevant to Studyguide for Minilateralism .
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