Pdf lesen The Global Body Market: Altruism's Limits
Beschreibung The Global Body Market: Altruism's Limits
Black and gray markets for body parts are illegal, but also pioneering and inventive. Although this type of criminal activity requires dexterity and innovation, these markets thrive and flourish, sometimes in view of law. On the other hand, altruistic procurement is mired by low participation, which encourages black market transactions. Thousands of patients die each year waiting for an organ or bone marrow donation through the altruistic procurement system, so some turn to the dark side. This book offers a frank discussion of altruism in the global body market. It exposes how researchers exploit their patients' ignorance to harvest tissue samples, blood, and other biologics without consent, chronicles exploitation in the name of altruism, including the non-consensual use of children in dangerous clinical trials, and analyzes social and legal commitments to the value of altruism - offering an important critique of the vulnerability of altruism to corruption, coercion, pressure, and other negative externalities.
The Global Body Market: Altruism's Limits Ebooks, PDF, ePub
The Global Body Market: Altruism's Limits: ~ The Global Body Market: Altruism's Limits: : Goodwin, Michele: Fremdsprachige BĂĽcher
The Global Body Market: Altruism's Limits: ~ The Global Body Market: Altruism's Limits: : Michele Goodwin: Fremdsprachige BĂĽcher
The Global Body Market: Altruism's Limits by Michele ~ The Global Body Market: Altruism's Limits by Michele Goodwin (Editor) � Visit 's Michele Goodwin Page search results for this author Michele Goodwin (Editor) (11-Dec-2014) Paperback / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
the Global body Market - Cambridge University Press ~ The global body market: altruism’s limits / Michele Goodwin. p. cm. Includes index. ISBn 978-1-107-02468-7 (hardback) 1. Procurement of organs, tissues, etc. – Law and legislation – United States 2. dead bodies (Law) – United States. 3. Procurement of organs, tissues, etc. – Moral and ethical aspects – United States. 4. Procurement .
The Global Body Market: Altruism's Limits 2013-05-27 ~ The Global Body Market: Altruism's Limits (2013-05-27) / unknown / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
The Global Body Market ~ Th e global body market: altruism’s limits / Michele Goodwin. p. cm. Includes index. isbn 978-1-107-02468-7 (hardback) 1. Procurement of organs, tissues, etc. – Law and legislation – United States 2. Dead bodies (Law) – United States. 3. Procurement of organs, tissues, etc. – Moral and ethical aspects – United States. 4. Procurement of organs, tissues, etc. – Economic aspects .
The Global Body Market: Altruism's Limits: Goodwin ~ As editor of this nuanced but visionary volume, The Global Body Market: Altruism's Limits, Goodwin has gathered experts from various disciplines and stances: Its writers are joined not by ideology but by their deep knowledge and an ability to keep you closely engaged through gripping case histories that read like novellas and inform like cutting-edge textbooks. Despite the authors' differing .
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