Buch online Resource Book on TRIPS and Development
Beschreibung Resource Book on TRIPS and Development
The Resource Book, conceived as a practical guide to the TRIPS Agreement, provides detailed analysis of each of its provisions, aiming at a sound understanding of WTO Members' rights and obligations. The purpose is to clarify the implications of the Agreement especially highlighting the areas in which the treaty leaves leeway to Members for the pursuit of their own policy objectives, according to their respective levels of development. In doing so, the book does not produce tailor-made prescriptions but gives guidance on the implications of specific issues and on the options available. The book is not limited to the analysis of the TRIPS Agreement but to the consideration of related questions and developments at the national, regional, and international level.
Resource Book on TRIPS and Development Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Resource Book on TRIPS and Development: : UNCTAD ~ Resource Book on TRIPS and Development / UNCTAD-ICTSD / ISBN: 9780521850445 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Resource Book on TRIPS and Development ~ The Resource Book, conceived as a practical guide to the TRIPS Agreement, provides detailed analysis of each of its provisions, aiming at a sound understanding of WTO Members' rights and obligations. The purpose is to clarify the implications of the Agreement especially highlighting the areas in which the treaty leaves leeway to Members for the pursuit of their own policy objectives, according .
Resource Book on TRIPS and Development (English Edition ~ Resource Book on TRIPS and Development (English Edition) eBook: UNCTAD-ICTSD: : Kindle-Shop
Resource Book on TRIPS and Development: : BĂÂŒcher ~ Resource Book on TRIPS and Development / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Resource Book on TRIPS and Development Author: Unctad ~ [(Resource Book on TRIPS and Development )] [Author: Unctad-Ictsd] [Apr-2005] / Unctad-Ictsd / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Resource Book on TRIPS and Development ~ Resource Book on TRIPS and Development The Resource Book, conceived as a practical guide to the TRIPS Agreement, pro-vides detailed analysis of each of the provisions of the Agreement, aiming at a sound understanding of WTO Membersâ rights and obligations. The purpose is to clarify the implications of the Agreement, especially highlighting the areas in which the treaty leaves leeway to .
Resource book on TRIPS and development / IUCN Library System ~ Resource book on TRIPS and development . Complete Title: Resource book on TRIPS and development. Non IUCN Publication. Organization(s): International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, CH; United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Abstract: Monographic Series no.: Conference: Imprint: Cambridge, GB : Cambridge University Press, 2005. Physical Description: xvi, 829p .
unctad / Resource Book on TRIPS and Development: An ~ Resource Book on TRIPS and Development: An Authoritative and practical guide to the TRIPS Agreement by UNCTAD and ICTSD (UNCTAD/ICTSD/2005/1) 01 Jan 2005, 3398.6 KB â(Hidden)⏠jQuery Code DELEGATES PORTAL .
Resource Book on TRIPS and Development / City, University ~ Resource Book on TRIPS and Development . pp. 322-350 (designs), pp. 267-318 (geographical indications) Justin Malbon â Charles Lawson â Mark Davison, The WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights â A Commentary (2014 Elgar), Comments of Articles 22-26 . Add to My Bookmarks Export citation. Type Book Author(s) Cambridge Books Online Date 2005 Publisher .
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The general approach to the preparation of the Resource Book ~ Resource Book on TRIPS and Development The Resource Book, conceived as a practical guide to the TRIPS Agreement, pro-vides detailed analysis of each of the provisions of the Agreement, aiming at a sound understanding of WTO Membersâ rights and obligations. The purpose is to clarify the implications of the Agreement, especially highlighting the areas in which the treaty leaves leeway to .
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Resource Book on TRIPS and Development: UNCTAD-ICTSD ~ The Resource Book, conceived as a practical guide to the TRIPS Agreement, provides detailed analysis of each of its provisions, aiming at a sound understanding of WTO Members' rights and obligations. The purpose is to clarify the implications of the Agreement especially highlighting the areas in which the treaty leaves leeway to Members for the pursuit of their own policy objectives, according .
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