Buch online Music Law: How to Run Your Band's Business
Beschreibung Music Law: How to Run Your Band's Business
How to make your band a huge business successWhether youÂ’re recording an album, budgeting a tour, or insuring your vintage guitar, you need solid information to make the right legal and business choices.Music Law is the all-in-one guide you need. Written by musician and lawyer Rich Stim, it explains everything you need to: write a partnership agreement buy, insure, and maintain equipment use samples and do covers register your bandÂ’s name sell and license your music get royalties for streaming and downloads deal with taxes and deductions find the right manager and write a fair contract get gigs and get paid protect your copyright legally deal with legal issues in the recording studio, and understand record contracts.This is quite simply the best business and legal guide for bands ever written. Completely updated to provide the latest in the law and current business practices, it covers music licensing and trends affecting the digital-music scene.
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Music Law: How to Run Your Band's Business - Legal Book - Nolo ~ Music Law How to Run Your Band's Business. Richard Stim. September 2018, 9th Edition. How to make your band a huge business success. If you belong to a band and love the art of your job, but sing the blues when it comes to the business side, you need Music Law. Composed by musician and lawyer Richard Stim, the book explains how to: get gigs and get paid; protect your copyright and band name .
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