Buch lesen The Little Book of Emotional Intelligence: How to flourish in a crazy world
Beschreibung The Little Book of Emotional Intelligence: How to flourish in a crazy world
A SELF HELP MANUAL FOR HUMAN BEINGSThe Little Book of Emotional Intelligence is an immediate, outcome-focused primer on the important topic of EQ, which provides practical, no-nonsense life advice and takes a sideways look at a world which is complicated and overwhelming at times. Do you seem to spend half your life counting down the days 'til your next holiday? Does it sometimes feel like your life is being lived on fast forward, with little time for reflection or idle amusement? It's time to stop kicking happiness into the long grass and get on with really living.Funny, colourful and profound, this book is a gripping manual for the human mind, enabling you to understand and control your emotions, communicate better, unpick limiting beliefs and finally get around to living a happier, more balanced life.
The Little Book of Emotional Intelligence: How to flourish in a crazy world PDF ePub
The Little Book of Emotional Intelligence: How to Flourish ~ Buy The Little Book of Emotional Intelligence: How to Flourish in a Crazy World by Cope, Andy, Bradley, Amy (ISBN: 9781473636347) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
The Little Book of Emotional Intelligence: How to flourish ~ The Little Book of Emotional Intelligence is an immediate, outcome-focused primer on the important topic of EQ, which provides practical, no-nonsense life advice and takes a sideways look at a world which is overwhelming at times.. Funny, colourful and profound, this book is a gripping manual for the human mind, enabling you to understand and control your emotions, communic
The Little Book of Emotional Intelligence: How to Flourish ~ Buy The Little Book of Emotional Intelligence: How to Flourish in a Crazy World Reprint by Cope, Andy, Bradley, Amy (ISBN: 9781473636354) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
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The little book of emotional intelligence : how to ~ Get this from a library! The little book of emotional intelligence : how to flourish in a crazy world. [Andy Cope; Amy Bradley] -- An immediately accessible, outcome-focused primer on the topic of EQ, which provides practical, no-nonsense life advice and takes a sideways look at a world which is overwhelming at times. Funny, .
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