Buch lesen Psych 101: Psychology Facts, Basics, Statistics, Tests, and More! (Adams 101)
Beschreibung Psych 101: Psychology Facts, Basics, Statistics, Tests, and More! (Adams 101)
A hands-on approach to exploring the human mindToo often, textbooks turn the noteworthy theories, principles, and experiments of psychology into tedious discourse that even Freud would want to repress. Psych 101 cuts out the boring details and statistics, and instead, gives you a lesson in psychology that keeps you engaged - and your synapses firing.From personality quizzes and the Rorschach Blot Test to B.F. Skinner and the stages of development, this primer for human behavior is packed with hundreds of entertaining psychology basics and quizzes you can't get anywhere else.So whether you're looking to unravel the intricacies of the mind, or just want to find out what makes your friends tick, Psych 101 has all the answers - even the ones you didn't know you were looking for.
Psych 101: Psychology Facts, Basics, Statistics, Tests, and More! (Adams 101) ebooks
Psych 101: Psychology Facts, Basics, Statistics, Tests ~ Psych 101: Psychology Facts, Basics, Statistics, Tests, and More! (Adams 101) - Kindle edition by Kleinman, Paul. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Psych 101: Psychology Facts, Basics, Statistics, Tests, and More! (Adams 101).
Psych 101: Psychology Facts, Basics, Statistics, Tests ~ Psych 101: Psychology Facts, Basics, Statistics, Tests, and More! by Paul Kleinman is a very educational read, and is extremely informative, which is all one can truly ask from a psychology book, but Kleinman helps relate the theories and ideas from dozens of experiments to the real world. And it is easy to understand! Kleinman’s strength in this book is making the findings of psychologists, contemporary and from before, fun to read and easy to understand. You can even find .
Psych 101: Psychology Facts, Basics, Statistics, Tests ~ Psych 101 cuts out the boring details and statistics, and instead, gives you a lesson in psychology that keeps you engaged - and your synapses firing. From personality quizzes and the Rorschach Blot Test to B.F. Skinner and the stages of development, this primer for human behavior is packed with hundreds of entertaining psychology basics and quizzes you can't get anywhere else.
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Psych 101: Psychology Facts, Basics, Statistics, Tests ~ Psych 101 by Paul Kleinman is a well put together concise easy to understand collection of the figures, theories, and concepts one is likely to encounter in an introductory psychology course. Most of the chapters average five pages with some that go into a field of studying going a little more. A few of the figures and their accomplishments mentioned in the book are B.F. Skinner, Anna Freud, Stanley Milgram, and Philip Zimbardo. Important topics and key events in the development of .
Psychology 101 / Free Online Psychology Class / AllPsych ~ Psychology 101 is a general psychology text adapted to an online guided format. It is authored by Dr. Christopher L. Heffner and was first published online in 2001. This online text represents a summary of the major theories, concepts, and treatment approaches in the field of psychology. Following the text will provide you with a strong basic .
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