Ebook International and Comparative Labour Law: Current Challenges
Beschreibung International and Comparative Labour Law: Current Challenges
This volume provides a comprehensive analysis of the challenges facing labor law across the globe. It focuses on labor law and international trade, the employment relationship and the fundamental rights of the person in the employer-employee relationship, work in the informal economy, and outsourced work. Author Arturo Bronstein also discusses the most noteworthy changes in labor law at the regional level. The international nature of global supply chains means that nationally defined labor laws are increasingly unable to provide effective protection against inhumane working conditions. This book offers different approaches for improving the effectiveness of labor law in the globalized era, including ratification of ILO conventions, the harmonization of labor legislation in areas with an important trade market, the inclusion of social clauses in international trade agreements, and the application of corporate social codes across supply chains.
International and Comparative Labour Law: Current Challenges ebooks
International and comparative labour law: current challenges ~ Written by a leading expert in labour law, International and Comparative Labour Law: Current Challenges provides a comprehensive analysis of the challenges facing labour law in the twenty-first century across the globe. It focuses in particular on labour law and international trade, the employment relationship and the fundamental rights of the person in the employer-employee relationship, work in the informal economy and outsourced work, as well as discussing the most noteworthy changes in .
International and comparative labour law ~ International and comparative labour law: Current challenges ISBN 978 -92-2-121202-7 Executive Summary International and comparative labour law Current challen ges By Arturo Bronstein Until at least the mid-1970s labour law was understood to be an integral part of an overall system of social justice and industrial democracy. The post-war period, withunprecedented growth and development and .
International and comparative labour law: current ~ A stimulating, authoritative account of international employment law written by a leading figure in the area who for many years has helped to shape global policy, striving to implement fairer working conditions worldwide. The reader is expertly guided though the essential topics within the context and development of international labour law, making this book ideal for study or research.
Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal ~ Principled Labor Law: U.S. Labor Law Through a Latin American Method reviewed by Guy Davidov Everyday Transgressions: Domestic Workers’ Transnational Challenge to International Labor Law reviewed by Judy Fudge Solidarity and Conflict: European Social Law in Crisis reviewed by Jonas Malmberg Arbeitsvölkerrecht reviewed by Manfred Weiss
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Repatriation to France and Germany - A Comparative Study ~ A significant amount of German and French career agents are involved with international careers. Applying Bourdieu’s Theory of Practice, Matthias Walther compares the repatriation of German and French career agents into the external labor markets of their parent country career fields. A qualitative
Labour Law in Vietnam - Rödl & Partner, Stuttgart ~ Law on Labour Contracts 6 2.1. Labour Contract 7 2.2. Terms of Labour Contracts 8 2.3. Foreign employees 8 2.3.1. Visa 9 2.3.2 Temporary Redidence Card (TRC) 10 2.3.3. Foreigners requiring a work permit 10 2.3.4. Application process for a work permit 11 2.3.5. Exemptions for foreigners 12 2.3.6. The 30 / 90 Rule and the 3-month category 13 2.4. Probation 14 2.5. Working hours, rest hours .