Buch Collateral Knowledge: Legal Reasoning in the Global Financial Markets (Chicago Series in Law and Society)
Beschreibung Collateral Knowledge: Legal Reasoning in the Global Financial Markets (Chicago Series in Law and Society)
Who are the agents of financial regulation? Is good (or bad) financial governance merely the work of legislators and regulators? Here Annelise Riles argues that financial governance is made not just through top-down laws and policies but also through the daily use of mundane legal techniques such as collateral by a variety of secondary agents, from legal technicians and retail investors to financiers and academics and even computerized trading programs. Drawing upon her ten years of ethnographic fieldwork in the Japanese derivatives market, Riles explores the uses of collateral in the financial markets as a regulatory device for stabilizing market transactions. How collateral operates, Riles suggests, is paradigmatic of a class of low-profile, mundane, but indispensable activities and practices that are all too often ignored as we think about how markets should work and be governed. Riles seeks to democratize our understanding of legal techniques, and demonstrate how these day-to-day private actions can be reformed to produce more effective forms of market regulation.
Collateral Knowledge: Legal Reasoning in the Global Financial Markets (Chicago Series in Law and Society) Ebooks, PDF, ePub
10+ Collateral Knowledge Legal Reasoning In The Global ~ Sep 03, 2020 collateral knowledge legal reasoning in the global financial markets chicago series in law and society Posted By Sidney SheldonPublic Library TEXT ID 010244281 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library national science council taiwan 2013 annelise riless collateral knowledge legal reasoning in the global financial markets is a fascinating book that deserves a wide readership
Collateral Knowledge: Legal Reasoning in the Global ~ Different studies on various areas -from global financial markets (Riles, 2011) to employment laws (Grabham, 2016), social theory (Greenhouse, 2014), and biosciences (Brown & Beynon-Jones, 2012 .
Collateral Knowledge: Legal Reasoning in the Global ~ Collateral Knowledge: Legal Reasoning in the Global Financial Markets (Chicago Series in Law and Society) - Kindle edition by Riles, Annelise. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Collateral Knowledge: Legal Reasoning in the Global Financial Markets (Chicago Series in Law and Society).
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20 Best Book Collateral Knowledge Legal Reasoning In The ~ Aug 30, 2020 collateral knowledge legal reasoning in the global financial markets chicago series in law and society Posted By Louis L AmourMedia TEXT ID 010244281 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library Collateral Knowledge Legal Reasoning In The Global Financial Markets
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