Buch lesen Who Am I?: Psychological Exercises to Develop Self-Understanding
Beschreibung Who Am I?: Psychological Exercises to Develop Self-Understanding
A guided journal for self-knowledge with which we can study the most elusive and interesting parts of our complex inner selves.One of the trickiest tasks we ever face is that of working out who we really are. If we’re asked directly to describe ourselves, our minds tend to go blank. We can’t just sum ourselves up. We need prompts and suggestions and more detailed enquiries that help tease out and organize our picture of ourselves.This guided journal is designed to help us create a psychological portrait of ourselves with the use of some far more unusual, oblique, entertaining, and playful prompts. The questions are designed to help us cumulatively appreciate how rich our identities are and how complicated, beautiful, and sometimes painful our experiences have been. If self-knowledge is central to a wise and fulfilled life, it is because it teaches us which of our many—often contradictory—feelings and plans we might trust, in order that we can be a little more skeptical around our first impulses and less puzzled by the ebb and flow of our moods. We can understand where some of our feelings have come from and what might be driving our convictions and our longings.
Who Am I?: Psychological Exercises to Develop Self-Understanding Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Who Am I?: Psychological Exercises to Develop Self ~ Psychological Exercises to Develop Self-understanding” as Want to Read: . Psychological Exercises to Develop Self-understanding. Write a review. Daniela Pérez Zúñiga rated it it was amazing Jan 14, 2020. Rae rated it liked it Dec 09, 2019.
Who Am I?: Psychological Exercises to Develop Self ~ The book is a series of psychological exercises to develop self -understanding which was right up my street, but man it was intense. It covers every facet of life childhood, relationships, sex, other people, work, utopia, culture, sorrow and compassion and re-enchantment.
Who Am I?: Psychological Exercises to Develop Self ~ Psychological Exercises to Develop Self-understanding: The School of Life, de Botton, Alain: 9781912891085: Books - .ca . Get your Kindle here, or download a FREE Kindle Reading App. Product details. Hardcover : 160 pages; ISBN-10 : 1912891085; ISBN-13 : 978-1912891085; Product Dimensions : 15.49 x 1.78 x 22.35 cm; Publisher : The School of Life (Aug. 14 2020) Item Weight : 380 g .
Buy Who Am I? The Book about Self Understanding / The ~ A guided journal with psychological exercises to develop self-understanding. One of the trickiest tasks we ever face is that of working out who we really are. If we're asked directly to describe ourselves, our minds tend to go blank. We can't just sum ourselves up. We need prompts and suggestions and more detailed enquiries that help tease out .
Who Am I?: Psychological Exercises to Develop Self ~ Psychological Exercises to Develop Self-Understanding (Anglais) Relié – 10 janvier 2019 de The School of Life (Auteur) 4,6 sur 5 étoiles 25 évaluations. Voir les formats et éditions Masquer les autres formats et éditions. Prix Neuf à partir de Occasion à partir de Relié "Veuillez réessayer" 17,11 € 13,53 € 18,08 € Relié 17,11 € 1 D'occasion à partir de 18,08 € 11 .
CHAPTER 02 WHO AM I? ~ Rather, it is our psychological ownership of them (Scheibe, 1985). For example, a person may have a favorite chair she likes to sit in. The chair itself is not part of the self. Instead, it is the sense of appropriation represented by the phrase “my favorite chair.” This is what we mean when we talk about the extended self. It includes all of the people, places, and things that we regard .
Who Am I? / Psychology Today ~ A sense of inadequacy often informs the question around "Who am I?" As people engage the deepening complexity of understanding themselves, they would fare much better to devote themselves to the .
Self-Understanding & Self-Concept: How We Perceive ~ Self-Understanding. As we've seen, self-concept is about knowing who you are. But self-understanding is about knowing what motivates your actions. Remember that Louisa gets cranky and restless .
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