Buch online Fusion of the Five Elements: Meditations for Transforming Negative Emotions
Beschreibung Fusion of the Five Elements: Meditations for Transforming Negative Emotions
A guide to the practice of Inner Alchemy, which allows you to control the energies of your inner universe to better connect with energies of the outer universe • Teaches the essential first-level meditations in Taoist practice, also known as Fusion of the Five Forces, for self-healing and emotional and spiritual development • Shows step-by-step how to remove negative emotions from the organs in which they are lodged by neutralizing and transforming the negativity back into positive energy • Includes basic and advanced-level meditations Fusion of the Five Elements is the necessary first step in the Taoist practice of Inner Alchemy, in which one learns to control the generation and flow of emotional, mental, and physical energies within the body. It is a series of meditations designed to locate and dissolve negative energies trapped inside the body by making a connection between the five outer senses (experienced through the ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and tongue) and the five major negative emotions (anger, hate, worry, sadness, and fear). When the body is cleared of negative energy, universal chi energy flows freely and productively, nourishing both body and soul. The practice is divided into two parts. The first works with controlling the forces of the five elements on the five major organs of the body by learning the elements’ effects upon each other and how to balance and utilize these energies properly. The advanced Fusion exercises then show how to channel the greater energies of the stars and planets to strengthen internal weaknesses and crystallize positive energy. By “fusing” all the different kinds of energy together, a harmonious whole is created--the key to manifesting an Immortal existence.
Fusion of the Five Elements: Meditations for Transforming Negative Emotions Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Fusion of the Five Elements: Meditations for Transforming ~ Fusion of the Five Elements: Meditations for Transforming Negative Emotions / Chia, Mantak / ISBN: 9781594771033 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Fusion of the Five Elements ~ Five Elements Basic and Advanced Meditations for Transforming Negative Emotions Mantak Chia Edited by: Valerie J. Meszaros - 3 - Editor and Designer: Valerie J. Meszaros Design and Publishing Consultant: Joel Friedlander Editorial Contributors: Chuck Soupios, Michael Winn Illustrator: Juan Li Cover Designer: Ivan Salgado Revised Design and Production: Soraya Kongnguen Final Editing: Jean .
Fusion of the Five Elements: Meditations for Transforming ~ Fusion of the Five Elements is the necessary first step in the Taoist practice of Inner Alchemy, in which one learns to control the generation and flow of emotional, mental, and physical energies within the body. It is a series of meditations designed to locate and dissolve negative energies trapped inside the body by making a connection between the five outer senses (experienced through the .
Fusion of the Five Elements I: Basic and Advanced ~ Fusion of the Five Elements I: Basic and Advanced Meditations for Transforming Negative Emotions (Taoist Inner Alchemy Series) / Chia, Mantak, Chia, Maneewan / ISBN: 9780935621181 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Fusion of the Five Elements : Meditations for Transforming ~ Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Fusion of the Five Elements : Meditations for Transforming Negative Emotions by Mantak Chia (2007, Perfect) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Fusion of the Five Elements : Meditations for Transforming ~ A guide to the practice of Inner Alchemy, which allows you to control the energies of your inner universe to better connect with energies of the outer universe - Teaches the essential first-level meditations in Taoist practice, also known as Fusion of the Five Forces, for self-healing and emotional and spiritual development - Shows step-by-step how to remove negative emotions from the organs .
Fusion of the Five Elements: Meditations for Transforming ~ It is a series of meditations designed to locate and dissolve negative energies trapped inside the body by making a connection between the five outer senses (experienced through the ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and tongue) and the five major negative emotions (anger, hate, worry, sadness, and fear). When the body is cleared of negative energy, universal chi energy flows freely and productively .
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Similar authors to follow - ~ Fusion of the Five Elements: Meditations for Transforming Negative Emotions Apr 30, 2007. by Mantak Chia ( 57 ) $9.99. A guide to the practice of Inner Alchemy, which allows you to control the energies of your inner universe to better connect with energies of the outer universe • Teaches the essential first-level meditations in Taoist practice, also known as Fusion of the Five Forces, for .
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Mantak Chia Books / List of books by author Mantak Chia ~ Fusion of the Five Elements: Meditations for Transforming Negative Emotions. Mantak Chia $13.57 - $13.79. Chi Nei Tsang: Chi Massage for the Vital Organs. Mantak Chia $6.29 - $17.72. Bone Marrow Nei Kung: Taoist Techniques for Rejuvenating the Blood and Bone . Mantak Chia $16.81. Taoist Ways to Transform Stress into Vitality: The Inner Smile Six Healing Sounds. Mantak Chia $9.99. The Secret .
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Mantak Chia - Wikipedia ~ Mantak Chia (Chinese: 謝明德, Pinyin: Xiè Míngdé, born April 24, 1944 in Bangkok, Thailand) is a Taoist Master. He is best known for his teaching Taoist practices under the names of Healing Tao, Tao Yoga, Universal Healing Tao System and Qi Gong.He has run numerous workshops, written a series of books, and published a number of training videos.
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Mantak Chia - Inner Traditions ~ Fusion of the Five Elements teaches the practice of Inner Alchemy showing you how to control the energies of your inner universe to better connect with energies of the outer universe. It teaches the essential first-level meditations in Taoist practice, also known as Fusion of the Five Forces, for promoting self-healing and emotional and spiritual development.
Books by Mantak Chia (Author of The Multi-Orgasmic Man) ~ Fusion of the Five Elements: Meditations for Transforming Negative Emotions by Mantak Chia 4.16 avg rating — 51 ratings — published 1989 — 8 editions