Ebook Containment and Condemnation: Law and the Oppression of the Urban Poor (English Edition)
Beschreibung Containment and Condemnation: Law and the Oppression of the Urban Poor (English Edition)
The populations of American cities have always included poor people, but the predicament of the urban poor has worsened over time. Their social capital, that is, the connections and organizations that traditionally enabled them to form communities, has shredded. Economically comfortable Americans have come to increasingly care less about the plight of the urban poor and to think of them in terms of “us and them.” Considered lazy paupers in the early nineteenth century, the urban poor came to be seen as a violent criminal “underclass” by the end of the twentieth. Living primarily in the nation’s deindustrialized inner cities and making up nearly 15 percent of the population, today’s urban poor are oppressed people living in the midst of American affluence. This book examines how law works for, against, and with regard to the urban poor, with “law” being understood broadly to include not only laws but also legal proceedings and institutions. Law is too complicated and variable to be seen as simply a club used to beat down the urban poor, but it does work largely in negative ways for them. An essential text for both law students and those drawn to areas of social justice, Containment and Condemnation shows how law helps create, expand, and perpetuate contemporary urban poverty.
Containment and Condemnation: Law and the Oppression of the Urban Poor (English Edition) Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Containment and Condemnation: Law and the Oppression of ~ Containment and Condemnation: Law and the Oppression of the Urban Poor (English Edition) eBook: Papke, David Ray: : Kindle-Shop
Containment and Condemnation: Law and the Oppression of ~ Law is too complicated and variable to be seen as simply a club used to beat down the urban poor, but it does work largely in negative ways for them. An essential text for both law students and those drawn to areas of social justice, Containment and Condemnation shows how law helps create, expand, and perpetuate contemporary urban poverty.
Containment and Condemnation: Law and the Oppression of ~ Containment and Condemnation: Law and the Oppression of the Urban Poor (English Edition) eBook: Papke, David Ray: .mx: Tienda Kindle
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Containment and Condemnation: Law and the Oppression of ~ Achetez et téléchargez ebook Containment and Condemnation: Law and the Oppression of the Urban Poor (English Edition): Boutique Kindle - Sociology :
Michigan State SPRING / SUMMER University Press 2019 ~ helps create, expand, and perpetuate contemporary urban poverty. DAVID RAY PAPKE is Professor of Law at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. “In our urban law clinic, we see our poor neighbors imprisoned, stigmatized, defrauded, and drained of every resource they somehow manage to obtain. In Containment and Condemnation, David Ray Papke
Lyrics: The International ~ The law oppresses us and tricks us, The wage slave system drains our blood; The rich are free from obligation, The laws the poor delude. Too long we’ve languished in subjection, Equality has other laws; "No rights", says she "without their duties, No claims on equals without cause." Behold them seated in their glory The kings of mine and rail .
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