Buch online The Environmental Case for Brexit: A Socio-legal Perspective (English Edition)
Beschreibung The Environmental Case for Brexit: A Socio-legal Perspective (English Edition)
The recent Brexit debates present leaving the European Union largely as a threat to environmental protection, and to environmental law. This exciting and important new work argues that Brexit represents a real opportunity for environmental protection in the United Kingdom, freeing it from a pan-European framework not necessarily fit for UK domestic purposes. Central to the argument is the belief that environmental protection, in the United Kingdom, can most effectively be pursued through established domestic institutions, looking inwards at 'local' challenges and outwards at more global ones, all the while drawing on considerable historical experience. The book is designed to address rather than dismiss those concerns raised by environmental lawyers after the outcome of the referendum. Provocative and compelling, it offers an alternative vision of the UK environmental law framework outside of the European Union.
The Environmental Case for Brexit: A Socio-legal Perspective (English Edition) Ebooks, PDF, ePub
The environmental case for Brexit : a socio-legal ~ Get this from a library! The environmental case for Brexit : a socio-legal perspective. [Ben Pontin] -- "The recent Brexit debates present leaving the European Union largely as a threat to environmental protection, and to environmental law. This exciting and important new work argues that Brexit .
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The Environmental Case for Brexit 1st edition ~ The Environmental Case for Brexit A Socio-legal Perspective 1st Edition by Ben Pontin and Publisher Hart Publishing. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781509920914, 1509920919. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781509920891, 1509920897.
February 2020 Journal of the Institution of Environmental ~ Pontin, B. (2019) The Environmental Case for Brexit: A Socio-Legal Perspective. Oxford: Hart Publishing waste and the circular economy, the EU has taken us on a very important journey, and it is arguable whether we would have made that journey on our own. Although a recent book2 tries to argue that the ‘British way’ of dealing with waste has always been progressive, with an instinct for .
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