Ebook English Legal System (Spotlights) (English Edition)
Beschreibung English Legal System (Spotlights) (English Edition)
This book offers a modern, contemporary and innovative approach to the core curriculum, offering clear explanations to clarify the material without oversimplification. Carefully developed learning tools are used to help students to build their knowledge of the legal system of England and Wales; moreover, all the materials needed by a reader new to legal education are here in one place.English Legal System will also help students to translate knowledge successfully to an assessment situation (whether examination, tutorial preparation or coursework) through the acquisition and development of key skills such as problem solving and application, critical reasoning and evaluation, and research and referencing. The text has been written with the changes to legal education envisaged by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and Bar Standards Board in mind.The focus throughout will be on recent and key case law and contemporary real-life examples, bringing the subject alive and helping students to understand the foundations on which the law in England and Wales is based. The key pedagogic features seek to embed those legal skills within the context of the content on the legal system.The associated website provides a comprehensive learning environment that will provide further illumination of the text and graphics and that caters for a number of different learning styles with additional video and audio content.
English Legal System (Spotlights) (English Edition) Ebooks, PDF, ePub
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