Buch A General Theory of Love (English Edition)
Beschreibung A General Theory of Love (English Edition)
This original and lucid account of the complexities of love and its essential role in human well-being draws on the latest scientific research. Three eminent psychiatrists tackle the difficult task of reconciling what artists and thinkers have known for thousands of years about the human heart with what has only recently been learned about the primitive functions of the human brain.A General Theory of Love demonstrates that our nervous systems are not self-contained: from earliest childhood, our brains actually link with those of the people close to us, in a silent rhythm that alters the very structure of our brains, establishes life-long emotional patterns, and makes us, in large part, who we are. Explaining how relationships function, how parents shape their child’s developing self, how psychotherapy really works, and how our society dangerously flouts essential emotional laws, this is a work of rare passion and eloquence that will forever change the way you think about human intimacy.
A General Theory of Love (English Edition) PDF ePub
A General Theory of Love (Englisch) Gebundene Ausgabe – 8 ~ "A General Theory of Love" ist ein sehr gelungenes Buch über die fundamentale Bedeutung von Beziehungen im Leben von Menschen. Dabei geht es weniger (aber auch) um romantische Liebe, sondern um eine allgemeine Darstellung der Zusammenhänge zwischen Beziehungen, Gesundheit und Persönlichkeit aus einer biologisch-neurowissenschaftlichen Perspektive.
A General Theory of Love (English Edition) eBook: Lewis ~ "A General Theory of Love" ist ein sehr gelungenes Buch über die fundamentale Bedeutung von Beziehungen im Leben von Menschen. Dabei geht es weniger (aber auch) um romantische Liebe, sondern um eine allgemeine Darstellung der Zusammenhänge zwischen Beziehungen, Gesundheit und Persönlichkeit aus einer biologisch-neurowissenschaftlichen Perspektive. Nach den Autoren hat sich das menschliche .
A General Theory of Love (Vintage): : Lewis ~ A General Theory of Love demonstrates that our nervous systems are not self-contained: from earliest childhood, our brains actually link with those of the people close to us, in a silent rhythm that alters the very structure of our brains, establishes life-long emotional patterns, and makes us, in large part, who we are. Explaining how relationships function, how parents shape their child’s .
A General Theory of Love: : Thomas Lewis: Bücher ~ A General Theory of Love / Thomas Lewis / ISBN: 9780375503894 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
PDF] A General Theory of Love 1541460278 Download e-bøger ~ Download A General Theory of Love.pdf 1541460278 by e-bøger Gratis website Men til gengæld kan du downloade op til 10 bøger gratis A General Theory of Love.pdf 1541460278 by om måneden og have dem liggende på din tablet i 30 dage. Og har du brug for at læse bogen endnu en gang, kan du naturligvis låne den igen senere. A General Theory of Love.pdf 1541460278 by Du skal dog vente i .
A General Theory of Love (Book, 2001) [WorldCat] ~ Edition/Format: Print book: English : 1st Vintage edView all editions and formats: Summary: A study of the psychobiology of love, discussing what scientists have learned about the nature of love, its origins in the brain, and its impact on the minds and bodies of human beings. Rating: (not yet rated) 0 with reviews - Be the first. Subjects: Love. Love -- Physiological aspects. Liefde. More .
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(PDF) A General Theory of Love by Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini ~ A General Theory of Love is authored by Lewis, Amini, and Lannon, three California-based M.D.s, psychiatrists, and professors at UCSF’s School of Medicine, and was published by Random House in 2000.
A General Theory Of Love von Thomas Lewis / ISBN 978-0-375 ~ A General Theory Of Love von Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini, Richard Lannon (ISBN 978-0-375-70922-7) bestellen. Schnelle Lieferung, auch auf Rechnung - lehmanns
A general theory of love (eBook, 2007) [WorldCat] ~ A General Theory of Love draws on the latest scientific research to demonstrate that our nervous systems are not self-contained: from earliest childhood, our brains actually link with those of the people close to us, in a silent rhythm that alters the very structure of our brains, establishes life-long emotional patterns, and makes us, in large part, who we are. Explaining how relationships .
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A General Theory of Love (Englisch) Audio-CD – Hörbuch ~ A General Theory of Love / Lewis, Thomas, Amini, Fari, Lannon, Richard / ISBN: 9781541410275 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
A General Theory of Love (eBook, ePUB) von Fari Amini ~ This original and lucid account of the complexities of love and its essential role in human well-being draws on the latest scientific research. Three eminent psychiatrists tackle the difficult task of reconciling what artists and thinkers have known for thousands of years about the human heart with what has only recently been learned about the primitive functions of the human brain.
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A General Theory of Love Audiobook by Thomas Lewis, MD ~ A General Theory of Love demonstrates that our nervous systems are not self-contained: from earliest childhood, our brains actually link with those of the people close to us, in a silent rhythm that alters the very structure of our brains, establishes life-long emotional patterns, and makes us, in large part, who we are. Explaining how relationships function, how parents shape their child's .
:Kundenrezensionen: A General Theory of Love ~ "A General Theory of Love" ist ein sehr gelungenes Buch über die fundamentale Bedeutung von Beziehungen im Leben von Menschen. Dabei geht es weniger (aber auch) um romantische Liebe, sondern um eine allgemeine Darstellung der Zusammenhänge zwischen Beziehungen, Gesundheit und Persönlichkeit aus einer biologisch-neurowissenschaftlichen Perspektive.
The History of Love (Penguin Essentials): ~ The History of Love ist lediglich der Titel eines Buches in diesem Roman, um das herum sich die Geschichte entwickelt. Für jeden, der das Buch liest, ist es sicher eine Bereicherung. Für jene, die sich gegen ein Lesen dieses Romans entscheiden, wird das Leben trotzdem weitergehen, wenn auch mit ein paar Lachern weniger.
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