PDF Family Law (Core Text)
Beschreibung Family Law (Core Text)
Family Law is part of the Core Text Series, a range of textbooks from OUP which provide focused and reliable guides for students of law at all levels. Written with authority by leading academics and renowned for their clarity, these invaluable texts provide a straightforward analysis and discussion of the subject and its challenges. Family Law enables students to develop a clear understanding of the law, providing an insight into the tensions that surround family life in all its forms. The complex personal relations between adults, their children, and the State, are all fully explored and the controversial issues which face family lawyers today are highlighted. This fourth edition has been fully edited and updated, as well as partly rewritten, to provide a reliable and critical overview suitable for all family law courses. Clearly written and presented, Family Law incorporates chapter summaries and self-test questions which alert the reader to key topics for discussion and reflection. Selected reading lists at the end of each chapter encourage further research and help in essay preparation. This book is accompanied by an Online Resource Centre featuring regular author updates to keep the reader informed of changes to the law post-publication, and a selection of helpful websites. Visit www.oxfordtextbooks.co.uk/orc/welstead4e/ for more details.
Family Law (Core Text) PDF ePub
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Family Law - Oxford University Press ~ Core Texts Series. Family Law enables students to develop a clear understanding of the law and an insight into the tensions that surround family life in all its forms. Clearly written and presented, it incorporates chapter summaries and self-test questions to highlight key topics for discussion and reflection.
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