Buch online Aspen Treatise for Patent Law (Aspen Student Treatise Series)
Beschreibung Aspen Treatise for Patent Law (Aspen Student Treatise Series)
Succinct and timely, the fifth edition of PATENT LAW continues to demystify its subject as it explores and explains important cases, judicial authorities, statutes, and policy. Approachably written for law students, attorneys, inventors, and laypersons alike, this text stands on its own or may be used alongside any patent or IP casebook to support more in-depth study of patent law. Updated throughout, the Fifth Edition offers: Up-to-the-minute explanations deciphering the complex first-to-file provisions of the America Invents Act, the most significant change to U.S. patent law in 60 years Further AIA updates throughout the text, emphasizing the newly-implemented inter partes review and post-grant review proceedings Cogent analyses of recent Supreme Court and Federal Circuit decisions that have fundamentally impacted patent law, including: Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank Teva v. Sandoz Nautilus v. Biosig Octane Fitness v. Icon Health Apple v. Samsung In re Cuozzo Features: Effective, lucid, and complete, Janice M. Mueller’s PATENT LAW features: Thorough coverage and clear writing that clarifies principal legal doctrines, key judicial authorities, governing statutes, and policy considerations for obtaining, enforcing, and challenging a U.S. patent In-depth treatment and comparison of pre- and post-America Invents Act regimes for novelty and prior art with numerous hypotheticals Timely statistics on patent trends Succinct analysis of multi-national patent protection regimes Helpful visual aids, such as figures, tables, and timelines A sample patent and breakdown of a prosecution history Boldfaced key terms and a convenient Glossary
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: Patent Law (Aspen Treatise) (9781454873822 ~ Succinct and timely, the fifth edition of PATENT LAW continues to demystify its subject as it explores and explains important cases, judicial authorities, statutes, and policy. Approachably written for law students, attorneys, inventors, and laypersons alike, this text stands on its own or may be used alongside any patent or IP casebook to support more in-depth study of patent law.
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