Buch online The World of Maritime and Commercial Law: Essays in Honour of Francis Rose
Beschreibung The World of Maritime and Commercial Law: Essays in Honour of Francis Rose
This collection of 20 essays contains recent work by legal scholars, practitioners and judges, all internationally renowned for their expertise in the fields of maritime and commercial law.For maritime lawyers, the book contains absorbing and important studies of the law governing maritime collisions, carriage of goods by sea (examining the meaning of 'actual carriage' in the Hamburg Rules, and the complex web of rules that governs multimodal carriage), and marine insurance (discussing the history of the doctrine of utmost good faith, and jurisdiction clauses in cargo policies).In the area of private international law, there are chapters on the choice of law rules affecting the ownership of ships, and on recent cases where conflict of laws issues have been decided by the Privy Council. For generalist commercial lawyers, there is a wealth of scholarship on the Sale of Goods Act 1979, its provisions and scope, and on the rules of contractual interpretation, their history, content and application in commercial settings. In addition, there are chapters on negotiating damages for breach of contract, illegality, tracing misapplied funds, the application of private law rules to disputes about cryptocurrencies and developments in the law of directors' duties. Taken as a whole, the essays in this collection stand out for their breadth of scholarship, analytical power, depth of understanding, and penetrating insights even into the knottiest problems of maritime and commercial law. They are essential reading for every maritime and commercial lawyer and a fitting tribute to a scholar who has led the way in both fields for many decades.
The World of Maritime and Commercial Law: Essays in Honour of Francis Rose Ebooks, PDF, ePub
The World of Maritime and Commercial Law: Essays in Honour ~ The World of Maritime and Commercial Law Essays in Honour of Francis Rose Editor(s): Charles Mitchell, Stephen Watterson. See larger image . Published: 30-04-2020 Format: Hardback : Edition: 1st Extent: 432 ISBN: 9781509932429 Imprint: Hart Publishing Dimensions: 244 x 169 mm : RRP: ÂŁ95.00 Online price : ÂŁ85.50 Save ÂŁ9.50 (10%) Qty: UK Delivery 5-7 working days . This book is also available .
Wildy & Sons Ltd — The World’s Legal Bookshop Search ~ Buy The World of Maritime and Commercial Law: Essays in Honour of Francis Rose, edited by Charles Mitchell, Stephen Watterson, ISBN 9781509932429, published by Hart Publishing from www.wildy, the World's Legal Bookshop. Shipping in the UK is free. Competitive shipping rates world-wide.
The World of Maritime and Commercial Law 1st edition ~ The World of Maritime and Commercial Law Essays in Honour of Francis Rose 1st Edition and Publisher Hart Publishing. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781509932412, 1509932410. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781509932429, 1509932429.
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