Buch lesen Intimacy & Desire: Awaken The Passion In Your Relationship
Beschreibung Intimacy & Desire: Awaken The Passion In Your Relationship
SECOND EDITION WITH NEW FORWARD! Many couples begin marital counseling with Dr. David Schnarch with their sex lives in shambles, wondering what's wrong with them, and considering divorce. One partner will complain that the other doesn't desire him, the other complains that she's married to a sex maniac. During his 30 years in practice as a marriage and family therapist, Dr. Schnarch has discovered that sexual desire problems are normal and even healthy, in committed relationships. In Intimacy and Desire: Awaken the Passion in Your Relationship, Dr. Schnarch explains why couples in long term relationships have sexual desire problems, regardless of how much they love each other or how well they communicate. Through case studies of couples he worked with, Dr. Schnarch shows why normal marital conflict can be the cause of desire problems. He creates a road map for how you can transform marital conflict into a stronger relationship and a source of new and powerful desire for each other. He takes it a step further, giving readers simple but effective exercises that will help them reconnect with each other.
Lesen Sie das Buch Intimacy & Desire: Awaken The Passion In Your Relationship
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Intimacy / Film 2001 / Moviepilot ~ Intimacy ist ein Erotikfilm aus dem Jahr 2001 von Patrice Chéreau mit Mark Rylance, Kerry Fox und Timothy Spall. Komplette Handlung und Informationen zu Intimacy. Sie kommt jeden Mittwoch um .
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Intimacy â Wikipedia ~ Intimacy ist ein erotisches Filmdrama von Patrice ChĂ©reau aus dem Jahr 2001, das auf der Berlinale den Goldenen BĂ€ren gewann. Handlung. Jeden Mittwoch besucht Claire den Barkeeper und heruntergekommenen Musiker Jay, der schon in die Jahre gekommen ist und den sie zufĂ€llig kennengelernt hat, um in seiner Wohnung Sex mit ihm zu haben. Die beiden kennen zunĂ€chst nicht den Namen ihres Partners .
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