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Beschreibung The Psychology of Humor: An Integrative Approach
Most of us laugh at something funny multiple times during a typical day. Humor serves multiple purposes, and although there is a sizable and expanding research literature on the subject, the research is spread in a variety of disciplines. The Psychology of Humor, 2e reviews the literature, integrating research from across subdisciplines in psychology, as well as related fields such as anthropology, biology, computer science, linguistics, sociology, and more. This book begins by defining humor and presenting theories of humor. Later chapters cover cognitive processes involved in humor and the effects of humor on cognition. Individual differences in personality and humor are identified as well as the physiology of humor, the social functions of humor, and how humor develops and changes over the lifespan. This book concludes noting the association of humor with physical and mental health, and outlines applications of humor use in psychotherapy, education, and the workplace. In addition to being fully updated with recent research, the second edition includes a variety of new materials. More graphs, tables, and figures now illustrate concepts, processes, and theories. It provides new brief interviews with prominent humor scholars via text boxes. The end of each chapter now includes a list of key concepts, critical thinking questions, and a list of resources for further reading.
The Psychology of Humor: An Integrative Approach ebooks
[PDF] [EPUB] The Psychology of Humor: An Integrative ~ Download Book "The Psychology of Humor: An Integrative Approach" by Author "Rod A. Martin" in [PDF] [EPUB]. Original Title ISBN "9780128121436" published on "2006-9-1" in Edition Language: "". Get Full eBook File name "The_Psychology_of_Humor_-_Rod_A_Martin.pdf .epub" Format Complete Free. Genres: "Humor, Nonfiction, Psychology".
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The Psychology of Humor: An Integrative Approach - Rod A ~ He has authored more than 100 scholarly journal articles, books, and book chapters, including The Psychology of Humor: An Integrative Approach. He has developed several tests for measuring aspects of the sense of humor, which have been translated into numerous languages and have been used by researchers around the world. He has presented his research at conferences in numerous countries, and .
The psychology of humor : an integrative approach : Martin ~ The psychology of humor : an integrative approach by Martin, Rod A. Publication date c2007 Topics Wit and humor -- Psychological aspects, Wit and humor -- Therapeutic use Publisher Burlington, MA : Elsevier Academic Press Collection americana Digitizing sponsor Internet Archive Contributor Realview.au Language English. Includes bibliographical references (p. 373-420) and indexes Addeddate .
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The Psychology of Humor An Integrative Approach / Free ~ The Psychology of Humor, 2e revie the literature, integrating research from across subdisciplines in psychology, as well as related fields such as anthropology, biology, computer science, linguistics, sociology, and more. This book begins by defining humor and presenting theories of humor. Later chapters cover cognitive processes involved in humor and the effects of humor on cognition .
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The Psychology of Humor / ScienceDirect ~ The material is scholarly, but the presentation of the material is suitable for people unfamiliar with the subject-making The Psychology of Humor suitable for use for advanced undergraduate and graduate level courses on the psychology of humor-which have not had a textbook source. 2007 AATH Book Award for Humor/Laughter Research category!
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The Psychology of Humor: An Integrative Approach / Rod A ~ The Psychology of Humor, 2e reviews the literature, integrating research from across subdisciplines in psychology, as well as related fields such as anthropology, biology, computer science, linguistics, sociology, and more. This book begins by defining humor and presenting theories of humor. Later chapters cover cognitive processes involved in humor and the effects of humor on cognition .
Introduction to the Psychology of Humor ~ evance of each to an integrative psychology of humor. This will be followed by a survey of the many different forms of humor that we encounter during our daily lives, and an examination of the psychological functions of humor and laughter. Next, I will summarize the history of the concept of humor, examining the way popular concep-tions and assumptions about humor and laughter have changed .
The Psychology of Humor - Rod A. Martin, Thomas Ford ~ The Psychology of Humor, 2e reviews the literature, integrating research from across subdisciplines in psychology, as well as related fields such as anthropology, biology, computer science, linguistics, sociology, and more. This book begins by defining humor and presenting theories of humor.
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